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64. derived. EMF was part of both groups. Stresses the great Influence of G. E. Moore upon the Apostles and subsequently upon members of "Bloomsbury," finding Moore's influence for example in the "clarity, light, absence of humbug" of Virginia Woolf's literary style and In Vanessa Bell's painting. The Bloomsbury Group established an Intellectual climate of opinion but had no system or principles to which they would convert others. BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review In a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Bergonzi. Bernard. HEROES' TWILIGHT: A STUDY OF THE LITERATURE OF THE GREAT WAR. NY: Coward-McCann. I965. $5.00. Cook, Albert. THE DARK VOYAGE AND THE GOLDEN MEAN: A PHILOSOPHY OF COMEDY. NY: Norton. I966. The. Norton Library, N357- $1.75. Dickens, Charles. HARD TIMES. Ed. George Ford and Sylvere Mônôd. NY: Norton, I966. Norton Critical Editions. $1.95. Dickens, Charles. THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. Garden City: Doubleday, I96I. Dolphin Book. C315. $1.45. Eigner, Edwin M. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON AND ROMANTIC TRADITION. Princeton: Princeton U F, I966. $6.00. Goode, Stephen H. INDEX TO COMMONWEALTH LITTLE MAGAZINES 1964-1965. NY: Johnson Reprint Corp.. I966. HERBERT GEORGE WELLS: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS AND LITERATURE ON WELLS IN RUSSIA. Ed. I. M. Levldova and B. M. Partchevskaya. Moscow: Knlga, I966. 55 kop. (In Russian). IBSEN. Vol VII ("The Lady From the Sea". "Hedda Gabler", and "The Master Builder"). Ed. James Walter MacFarlane; trans. Jens Arup and James Walter MacFarlane. Lond: Oxford U P, I966. 70s. JOSEFH H0LL0WAY'5 ABBEY THEATRE: A SELECTION FROM HIS UNPUBLISHED JOURNAL 'IMPRESSIONS OF A DUBLIN FLAYGOEa1 Ed. Robert Hogan and Michael J. O'Neill. Carbondale: Southern Illinois U P, 1967. $6.95. Lever, J. W. THE ELIZABETHAN LOVE SONNET. Lond: Kethuen. I966. University Paperbacks, U P 176. $2.95. THE LITERARY CRITICISM OF JOHN RUSKIN. Ed. and Introd. by Harold Bloom. Garden City: Doubleday, I965. Doubleday Anchor Original, Λ480. $1.75. MINOR BRITISH NOVELISTS. Ed. Alva Hout. Carbondale: Southern Illinois U P, I967. $4.95. Norrell, Roy. THOMAS HARDY: THE WILL AND THE WAY. NY: Oxford U F, 1966. $6.50. Feters. Robert L. SONGS FOR A SON. NY: Norton. I967. $4.50 cloth; $1.95 paper. Santayana. George. SOLILOQUIES IN ENGLAND AND LATER SOLILOQUIES. Introd. by Ralph Ross. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1967. Ann Arbor Paperbacks, ΛΑ123. $2.25. Sartre. Jean-Faul. OF HUMAN FREEDOM. Ed. Wade Basklns. NY: The Philosophical Library, I967. $4.75. San Juan, Eplfanlo, Jr. THE ART OF OSCAR WILDE. Princeton: Princeton U P, I967. $6.50. 65. Spinoza, Baruch. LETTERS TO FRIEND AND FOE. Ed. Dagobert Runes. NY: The Philosophical Library, I966. $3.75. THOMAS HARDY'S PERSONAL WRITINGS: PREFACES. LITERARY OPINIONS. REMINISCENCES . Ed. Harold Orel. Lawrence: University of Kansas p. 1966. $6.00. TRADITION AND TOLERANCE IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY FICTION. Ed. David Howard, John Lucas, and John Goode. NY: Barnes & Noble, I967. $8.50. TREASURY OF THOUGHT. Ed. Dagobert Runes. NY: The Philosophical Library, I967. $6.00. Wilde, Oscar. THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GREY. Garden City: Doubleday, I960. Doubleday Dolphin Book, C15. $0.95. ...

