In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Aldaz, Anna-Marie, and W. Robert Walker, trans. An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Women’s Poetry from Spain in English Translation with Original Text. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2009.
Alegría, Fernando. Poesía chilena en el siglo XX. Hualpén, Chile: Literatura Americana Reunida, 2007.
Altisent, Marta E. A Companion to the Twentieth-Century Spanish Novel. Woodbridge, UK: Tamesis, 2008.
Alvarez, Inmaculada. See Pavlović, Tatjana.
Alvarez Borland, Isabel, and Lynette M. F. Bosch, eds. Cuban-American Literature and Art: Negotiating Identities. Albany: State U of New York P, 2009.
Arellano, Ignacio, and José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido, eds. El teatro en la Hispanoamérica colonial. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2008.
Armstrong-Roche, Michael. Cervantes’ Epic Novel: Empire, Religion, and the Dream Life of Heroes in Persiles. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2009.
Arzápalo Marín, Ramón. See Zwartjes, Otto.
Ayala, Francisco. El jardín de las delicias. Madrid: Alianza, 2006.
Balbale, Abigail Krasner. See Dodds, Jerrilynn D.
Balch, Trudy. See Brimmer, Gaby.
Bataillon, Claude. Marcel Bataillon: Hispanisme et engagement. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2009.
Bauer, Ralph, and José Antonio Mazzotti, eds. Creole Subjects in the Colonial Americas: Empires, Texts, Identities. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2009.
Behar, Ruth, and Lucía M. Suárez, eds. The Portable Island: Cubans at Home in the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Beverley, John. Essays on the Literary Baroque in Spain and Spanish America. Woodbridge, UK: Tamesis, 2008.
Blanco-Cano, Rosana. See Pavlović, Tatjana.
Booth, John A., and Mitchell A. Seligson. The Legitimacy Puzzle in Latin America: Political Support and Democracy in Eight Nations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2009.
Borger, Scott. See Cornelius, Wayne A. [End Page 513]
Bosch, Lynette M. F. See Alvarez Borland, Isabel.
Brimmer, Gaby, and Elena Poniatowska. Gaby Brimmer: An Autobiography in Three Voices. Trans. Trudy Balch. Waltham, MA: Brandeis UP, 2009.
Burningham, Bruce R. Tilting Cervantes: Baroque Reflections on Postmodern Culture. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt UP, 2008.
Cacho, María Teresa. Manuscritos hispánicos de la Biblioteca Estense Universitaria de Módena. Kassel, Ger.: Reichenberger, 2006.
Calderón, Manuel. See Vicente, Gil.
Carvajal, Micael de. The Conquest on Trial: Carvajal’s Complaint of the Indians in the Court of Death. Ed. and trans. Carlos A. Jáuregui and Mark Smith-Soto. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 2008.
Cerezo Rubio, Ubaldo. See González Cañal, Rafael.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote. Trans. James H. Montgomery. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 2009.
Chang-Rodríguez, Raquel, ed. “Aquí, ninfas del sur, venid ligeras”: voces poéticas virreinales. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2008.
Claramonte, Andrés de. El valiente negro en Flandes. Ed. Nelson López. Kassel, Ger.: Reichenberger, 2007.
Clemente, José Luis. Antropología de un seductor. Mallorca, Sp.: Heptaseven, 2008.
Colina, Sonia. Spanish Phonology: A Syllabic Perspective. Washington, DC: Georgetown UP, 2009.
Cook, Alexandra Parma, and Noble David Cook. The Plague Files: Crisis Management in Sixteenth-Century Seville. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2009.
Cook, Noble David. See Cook, Alexandra Parma.
Cornago, Óscar. See Romero Esteo, Miguel.
Cornelius, Wayne A., David Fitzgerald, Jorge Hernández-Díaz, and Scott Borger, eds. Migration from the Mexican Mixteca: A Transnational Community in Oaxaca and California. San Diego: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, U of California, 2009.
Cortés, Hugo R., Eduardo Godoy, and Mariela Insúa, eds. Rebeldes y aventureros: del Viejo al Nuevo Mundo. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2008.
Dalton, Roque. Los testimonios. Tenerife, Sp.: Baile del Sol, 2008.
Davalos, Karen Mary. Yolanda M. López. Los Angeles: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center P, 2008.
Davies, Catherine. See Nieva-de la Paz, Pilar.
Delpech, François, ed. L’imaginaire du territoire en Espagne et au Portugal (XVIe–XVIIe siècles). Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2008. [End Page 514]
Del Valle, Ivonne. Escribiendo desde los márgenes: colonialismo y jesuitas en el siglo XVIII. México, DF: Siglo XXI, 2009.
Díez de Revenga, Francisco Javier. Los poetas del 27, clásicos y modernos. Murcia, Sp.: Ediciones Tres Fronteras, 2009.
Díez de Revenga, Francisco Javier, and Mariano de Paco, eds. En un pozo de lumbre: estudios sobre Carmen Conde. Murcia, Sp.: Fundación Cajamurcia, 2008.
Di Franco, Ralph A. See Labrador Herraiz, José J.

