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CoiSnEIBUTORS MARY S. GIBSON is assodate professor at John Jay CoUege of Criminal Justice and the Graduate School of the Qty University of New York. She is the author of Prostitution and the State in Italy, 1860-1915 (1986) and has pubUshed artides on the history of women, sexuaUty, and crime in modem Italy. Currently, she is researching a book on the influence of early sdentific criminology on poUce, prisons, and the law in early twentieth-century Italy. BARBARA A. HANAWALT is professor of history at the University of Minnesota . She has pubUshed Crime and Conflict in English Communities, 13001348 (1979), The Ties That Bound: Peasant Families in Medieval England (1986), and Growing Up in Medieval London: The Experience of Childhood in History (1993). She edited Chaucer's England: Literature in Historical Context (1992). She has written numerous articles on women's history and edited a coUection of essays, Women and Work in Preindustrial Europe (1986). She is currently writing a book on women in medieval London. DOINA PASCA HARSANYI taught French in the Transylvanian town of Tirgu-Mures and researched at the University of Tirrdsoara. She has pubUshed translations from French, Engtish, and German into Romanian and artides and book reviews in academic journals. At the beginning of 1990 she was among the founding members of the "Timisoara" Sodety, one of the first dvü rights groups in Romania. Since her arrival in the United States, she has been active in East European studies and is currently enroUed in the graduate program of the History Department at the University of Michigan. RAIJA JUUCUNEN is lecturer in sodal poticy at the University of Jyväskylä. She has studied extensivdy the strurtural and ideological trends in working Ufe and women's issues in the Nordic weUare system. She is a weUknown expert, espedaUy in problems related to working hours. Dr. Julkunen and Professor Liisa Rantalaiho lead the Finish Academy's umbrella projed "Gender System of the WeUare State" of twenty-one feminist researchers studying the feminist theory of the weUare state, women's poUtical and professional impad on weUare state construction, and the interface of women professionals and ctients. EVA KEULS is professor of Greek at the University of Minnesota. She has pubUshed widely on the Uterature and the fine arts of andent Greece, but is best known among feminists for her book The Reign of the Phallus: Sexual Politics in Ancient Athens (1985, second edition 1993). 202 Journal of Women's History Winter DOROTA MAZURCZAK is assistant professor in the Institute of History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. She has published articles on the contemporary Potish-German relationship and a book, The Polish Topic in West German Literature, 1949-1980 (in PoUsh, 1988). Recently, she has been conducting research on women's activities in the Weimar Republic and the PoUsh women's struggle for higher education in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Since 1989 she has been a member of the Interdisdptinary Research on Women group at Adam Mickiewicz University. MADALINA NlCOLAESCU is associate professor of Engtish and German Uterature at Bucharest University. Her field of study is Renaissance drama and poststructuraUst theory. In 1991 she recdved a scholarship from the American Coundl of Learned Sodety to carry out feminist studies at CorneU Universtity and Indiana University. She also taught at Vanderbüt University for a year. Now back in Romania, she is starting a feminist movement among academics and if possible in conjunction with a larger organization caUed "Pro Democratia." She is also working on a book on the post-1989 condition of Romanian women. WANDA NOWICKA is president of the Federation for Women and Famüy Planning. ELZBIETA PAKSZYS is assistant professor in the Institute of Phüosophy at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. She has pubUshed several works on the phüosophy of sdence as weU as papers and reviews on feminist issues, including "Feminism, Science, Epistemology: Three Issues" in Communication and Cognition" (1988) and 'Teminist Philosophy in Poland: An Approach to the Main Issues of Contemporary Sodal Philosophy , Anthropology and Epistemology" in Cross-currents: East-West Dialogues on Women and Work (Occasional Series 6, Women's Studies Program , Indiana University, Bloomington, 1991). In the...

