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Bibliography The f oUowing list of artides published in English during the past decade is presented to assist readers in keeping up with the latest scholarship and to facilitate an assessment of those areas in whidi more research needs to be done. In particular, readers may notice fewer historical studies appearing in multi-disdplinary feminist journals in recent years. Because of the volume of studies published on women, this list is limited to discussions of Material and Popular Culture, Pornography, and Violence. Future issues wiU provide bibliographies in other areas of women's history, induding Religion and Sexuality. MATERIAL AND POPULAR CULTURE Architecture/City Planning/Neighborhoods Airport, Carolyn. "Left Off the Agenda: Women, Reconstruction and New Order Housing." Labour History 46 (May 1984): 1-20. Anderson, M. Christine. "Home and Community for a Generation of Women: A Case Study of the Cincinnati Y.W.C.A. Residence, 19201940 ." vdorn Lady7: A New Look at William Wetmore Story's 'Sappho'." The American Art Journal 15 (Summer 1983): 80-90. Rand, Erica. "DepoUticizing Women: Female Agency, the French Revolution , and the Art of Boucher and David." Genders 7 (March 1990): 47-68. Ravenal, Carol M. "Three Faces of Mother: Madonna, Martyr, Medusa in the Art of Edvard Munch." Journal of Psychohistory 13 (Spring 1986): 371-412. ReUIy, Joan. "Many Brides: 7MiStTeSS and Maid' on Athenian Lekythoi." Hesperia 58 (Odober/December 1989): 411-444. Rugh, Thomas F. "Emmy Hennings and the Emergence of Zurich Dada." Woman's Art Journal 2 (Spring/Summer 1981): 1-6. San Juan, Rose Marie. "The Court Lady's DUernma: IsabeUa d'Esté and Art CoUecting in the Renaissance." Oxford Art Journal 14, no. 1 (1991): 67-78. Sayer, Karen. " TJtterly Shameless Women': Images of Women Field Workers ." Labour History Review 55 (Spring 1990): 11-12. Seifert, Carolyn J. "Images of Domestic Madness in the Art and Poetry of American Women." Woman's Art Journal 1 (FaU 1980/Winter 1981): 1-6. 1991 Bibliographies 155 Shefer, Elaine. "The Order of Release and Peace Concluded: MUlais's Reversal of a Vidorian Formula." Woman's Art Journal 11 (FaU 1990/Winter 1991): 30-33. Skaggs, MerriU. "Submission and FideUty, Assertion and Surprise: Two 'Southern Woman' Films." Southern Quarterly 24 (Spring 1986): 5-13. Sloan, Kay. "Sexual Warfare in the Süent Cinema: Comedies and Melodramas of Woman Suffragism." American Quarterly 33 (FaU 1981): 412-436. Slusser, Cathy. "Women of Tampa Bay: A Photo Essay." Tampa Bay History 5 (FaU/Winter 1983): 47-65. Springer, JuUe Anne. "Art and The Feminine Muse: Women in Interiors by John White Alexander." Woman's Art Journal 6 (FaU 1985/Winter 1986): 1-8. Sund, Judy. "Favoured Fictions: Women and Books in the Art of Van Gogh." Art History 11 (June 1988): 255-267. UdaU, Sharyn R. "Between Dream and Shadow: William Holman Hunf s Lady of SMott." Woman's Art Journal 11 (Spring/Summer 1990): 34-38. Van Hook, Baüey. "Decorative Images of American Women: The Aristocratic Aesthetic of the Late Nineteenth Century." Smithsonian Studies in American Art 4 (Winter 1990): 45-70. --------. " 7MiUc White Angels of Arf : Images of Women in Turn-of-the-Century America." Woman's Art Journal 11 (FaU 1990/Winter 1991): 23-29. Waldman, Diane. " 'At Last I Can TeU It to Someone!': Feininine Point of View and Subjectivity in the Gothic Romance Film of the 1940s." Cinema Journal 23 (Winter 1984): 29-40. Walsh, Lorena S. "Women, History, and History Museums: An Exhibition Review." Winterthur Portfolio 21 (Spring 1986): 65-69. Warner, Malcolm. "The Sources and Meaning of Reynolds's Lady Sarah Bunbury Sacrificing to the Graces." Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies 15, no. 1 (1989): 7-20. Welch, Edward Gibson, ed. "ChUdhood's Panorama: Mattie Gibson Welch7s Poem and Drawings of the Western Experience." South Dakota History 11 (Spring 1981): 111-123. Werness, Hope B. "The Modest Maiden in 19th-century Art: Evolution of a Theme." Woman's Art Journal 5 (FaU 1984/Winter 1985): 7-10. White, Mimi. "Representing Romance: Reading/Writing/Fantasy and the liberated' Heroine of Recent HoUywood Films." Cinema Journal 28 (Spring 1989): 41-56. 156 Journal of Women's History Fall Wüding, Faith. "Blood and MUk: Musings on the Wound...

