Penn State University Press

The Translations

Within the space confinement of the present volume, a compilation of foreign translations of Shaw can at best be a seminal exploration of a vast territory. It is perforce limited to Shaw’s dramatic canon, fiction, and significant critical and political writings issued in translation during his lifetime, confined to ten languages. The languages are, however, those in which Shaw, first to last, was most directly involved: selecting the translators; maintaining personal contact; critiquing or revising manuscripts; and in most instances controlling publication by underwriting printing costs.

The one exception to this involved a unique problem. As Russia, both before and after the Revolution, entertained no copyright agreements with other nations, Shaw could not prevent unauthorized publication or performance of his previously published works. He could and did, however, supply copies of as yet unpublished writings to an “authorized” translator, who would thus gain an advantage over competitors, both in publication and in stage production.

In principle, the entries are limited to the first publication (serial and book); additional translations (often piratical) published within the same year or a year later; subsequent editions containing new material; and editions with revised titles that are not readily recognizable. Texts known to have been “authorized” for Russian translation are so indicated; all piratical Russian editions issued in the first year of publication are recorded.


1896     Fabianská pojednáni o socialismu [Fabian Essays in Socialism]. Edited by G. Bernhard Shaw. Translator unknown. Prague: Nakl. Cakasopisu “Rozhledy.” [End Page 197]

1906     Pekelnik [The Devil’s Disciple]. Translated by Karel Musakek. Prague: J. Otto. Revised by Jan Cakep, 1926. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce.

1908     Cashel Byron Professionál [Cashel Byron’s Profession]. Translated by Karel Musakek. Prague: J. Otto. An edition titled Povoláni Cashela Byrona was issued in 1929, co-credited to the deceased Musakek, but revised and edited by Alfred Pflanzer. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

?1908     Zakivnost panì Varenové [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. Translated by Gustav Tichy. Prague-Karlìne: M. Knapp.

1919     Mesaliance [Misalliance]. Translated by Karel Musakek. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce.

1921     Fannina prvnì hra [Fanny’s First Play]. Translated by Karel Musakek. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce.

1923     Válku a hrdinu [Arms and the Man]. Translated by Karel Musakek. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce. On wrapper: Válku a hrdinu. Cafokoládovy hrdina [Arms and the Man. The Chocolate Soldier].

1924     Svatá Jana [Saint Joan]. Translated by Frank Tetauer. Prague: Edice Apollon.

1925     Zdravy smysl obecnì politiky [Common Sense of Municipal Trading]. Translated by Bohumila Kubertová. Prague: Ustrakedni deaklnické knihkupectvì [Workman’s Central Committee Bookshop] and A. Sveakceny.

1926     Duåm zlomenych srdcì [Heartbreak House]. Translated by Karel Musakek, Anna Pflanzerová, and Klára Praz;akáková. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce.

1926     Lékar v rozpacìch [The Doctor’s Dilemma]. Translated by Karel Musakek and Emil Seeland. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce.

1926     Pygmalion. Translated by Karel Musakek and Jan Cakep. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce.

1929     Major Barbora [Major Barbara]. Translated by Karel Musakek, Miloslava Davidová, and Aloys Skoumal. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1929     Veliká Kater;akina [Great Catherine]. Translated by Zdene;akk Gintl and Vladimìr Vendys;ak. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1929     Zpeakt k Methusalemovi [Back to Methuselah]. Translated by Alfred Pflanzer and Karel Musakek. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1930     Drobnosti [Trifles] (I. Vzorny sluha Bashville [The Admirable Bashville]. Jak lhal jejìmu manzakelu [How He Lied to Her Husband]). Translated by Alfred Pflanzer and Karel Musakek. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1930     Druhy ostrov Johna Bulla [John Bull’s Other Island]. Translated by Emilie K. Sakkrachová. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1930     Pruåvodce inteligentnì zakeny po socialismu a kapitalismu [The Intelligent [End Page 198] Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism]. Translated by Vladimìr Procházka, from second English edition. Prague: Zátisì Knihy Srdce.

1931     Caklove;akk nikdy nevi [You Never Can Tell]. Translated by Alfred Pflanzer and Karel Musakek. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1931     Nerozváz;akny Snatek [The Irrational Knot]. Translated by Alfred Pflanzer. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1931     Nespolecakensky socialista [An Unsocial Socialist]. Translated by Alfred Pflanzer. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1931     Zeneaknì a vdávánì [Getting Married]. Translated by Emilie K. Sakkrachová. Prague: B. M. Klika.

1932     Láska mezi ume;aklci [Love among the Artists]. Translated by Alfred Pflanzer. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1932     Obrácenì kapitána Brassbounda [Captain Brassbound’s Conversion]. Translated by Vladimir Procházka and Karel Musakek. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1932     Traklarak jablek [The Apple Cart]. Translated by Frank Tetauer. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1933     Dokonaly wagnerián [The Perfect Wagnerite]. Translated by Vladimir Procházka. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1933     Drobnosti [Trifles] (II. Vystr;akiz;akky z novin [Press Cuttings]. Prohlédnutì Blanco Posneta [The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet]). Translated by Alfred Pflanzer and Karel Musakek. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1933     Muzak budoucnosti [The Man of Destiny]. Translated by Bedr;akich Felix and Vladimir Vendys;ak. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1934     Nezralost [Immaturity]. Translated by Alfred Pflanzer. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1936     Milionár;akka [The Millionairess]. Translated by Frank Tetauer. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1936     Na úskalì [On the Rocks]. Translated by Frank Tetauer and Vladimir Vendysak. Prague: Druzstevnì Práce.

1939     Cesta Cakernos;akské dìvky k Bohu [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by Zdeneakk Vancakura. Prague: Nakladatelske Druzakstvo Máje.

1947     Politika pro kaz;akdého [Everybody’s Political What’s What?]. Translated by Alfred Pflanzer. Prague: Práce.


1907     Skuespil [Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant], 2 vols. Translated by J[ens]. M[artin]. Borup. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.

1915     Sund Fornuft om Krigen [Common Sense about the War]; with “Den gamle Løves sidste Spring” [“The Last Spring of the Old Lion”] [End Page 199] and “Et Svar paa nogle Kritikker” [“A Reply to Some Critics”]. [A130a]. Translated by Edith Rode. Copenhagen: Hasselbach.

1929     En Overklassesocialist [An Unsocial Socialist]. Translated by Sigvard Lund. Copenhagen: Koppel.

1943     Negerpigen der drog ud for at opsøge Gud [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated “fra Norsk” by Eigil Holm. Copenhagen: Ikke i Bogh. Published in 1946 as Den sorte Piges Eventyr, da hun søgte efter Gud, translated by Jørgen Budtz-Jørgensen and Dagny Sandvad. Copenhagen: Thaning and Appel.


1908     Candida. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: A. Munier. Limited edition of 100 copies.

1908     Le Héros et le soldat [Arms and the Man]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: A. Munier. Limited edition of 100 copies. Serialized (Act I only) in Les Cahiers d’aujourd’hui (Paris), No. 6 (August 1913), pp. 281–305.

1908     L’Homme aimé des femmes [The Philanderer]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: A. Munier. Limited edition of 100 copies. Serialized in Grande revue (Paris), XLVII (25 February), pp. 637–56; XLVIII (10 March), pp. 82–96; (10 April), pp. 516–44.

1908     L’Homme du destin [The Man of Destiny]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: A. Munier. Limited edition of 100 copies.

1908     Non olet [Widowers’ Houses; later known as L’Argent n’a pas d’odeur]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: A. Munier. Limited edition of 100 copies.

1908     On ne peut jamais dire [You Never Can Tell]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: A. Munier. Limited edition of 100 copies.

1908     La Profession de Madame Warren [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: A. Munier. Limited edition of 100 copies. Serialized in Comœdia (Paris), nineteen feuilletons, 23 December 1907–19 January 1908, slightly abridged. Shaw’s preface (“The Author’s Apology”) to the 1902 edition was first published (1931), in a translation by the Hamons, Œuvres, I (Paris: Aubier).

1910     Le Disciple du diable [The Devil’s Disciple]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: G. Lévy, 1910. Serialized in Comœdia (Paris), feuilleton, 6 June 1914, pp. 1–6.

1910     Trois pièces pour puritains [Three Plays for Puritans]. Fragments caractéristiques . . . Translated by Augustin and Henriette [End Page 200] Hamon. Paris: G. Lévy (privately printed). Consists of one act each of Caesar and Cleopatra, The Devil’s Disciple, and Captain Brassbound’s Conversion, for copyright. Complete publication, as Trois pièces pour puritains, in 1935. Paris: F. Aubier. See 1924 for complete César.

1912     Don Juan aux enfers [Don Juan in Hell, third act of Man and Superman]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: E. Figuière.

1912     L’Homme et le surhomme [Man and Superman]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: E. Figuière. Abridged acting version, lacking “Don Juan in Hell” sequence. The appendix, “Revolutionist’s Handbook,” was serialized, as “Manuel de poche du parfait révolutionnaire,” translated by the Hamons, in Grande revue (Paris), LVII (25 October 1909), pp. 629–55; and published (1927) separately (Paris: Cahiers libres). The prefatory “Épitre dédicatoire” was first published (1931), with play, translated by the Hamons, in Œuvres, II (Paris: Aubier).

1913     Pièces plaisantes et déplaisantes [Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: E. Figuière. Contains the seven plays published individually by Munier in 1908.

1919     Cashel Byron, gentleman et boxeur [Cashel Byron’s Profession]. Adapted by Louis Beaudoir. Paris: Édition franÀ’Àaise illustrée.

1921     Le Dilemme du docteur [The Doctor’s Dilemma]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Serialized in Revue de Paris XXVIII (15 October), pp. 673–705; (1 November), pp. 59–97; (15 November), pp. 316–38. Preface published (1941), with play, as “Préface sur les docteurs,” translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon, Œuvres, X (Paris: Aubier).

1923     Comment il mentit au mari [How He Lied to Her Husband]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Serialized in Grande revue (Paris), XXVII (August), pp. 177–97. See also 1943.

1924     César et Cléopâtre [Caesar and Cleopatra]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Serialized in Revue de Paris XXXI (1 February), pp. 542–60, (15 February), pp. 883–913; (1 March), pp. 62–100. Book publication in 1926. Paris: Calmann-Lévy.

1924     Pygmalion. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Supplement to Les Cahiers dramatiques du théâtre et comœdia illustré (Paris), No. 30 (15 March).

1925     Sainte Jeanne [Saint Joan]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: Calmann-Lévy. Serialized in Revue de Paris, [End Page 201] XXXII (15 May), pp. 294–318; (1 June), pp. 551–76; (15 June), pp. 764–99.

1926     La Première pièce de Fanny [Fanny’s First Play]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Serialized in Grande revue (Paris) CXX (June), pp. 529–46; CXXI (July–October), pp. 67–79, 247–59, 395–415, 620–40.

1927     La Villa de crève-cœur. [Heartbreak House; also known as La Maison des cœurs brisés]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Serialized in Grande revue (Paris), CXXIV (September), pp. 353–96; (October) pp. 531–78; CXXV (November), pp. 20–41. Issued also in Les Œuvres libres (Paris), No. 83 (May 1928), pp. 53–184.

1929     Guide de la femme intelligente en présence du socialisme et du capitalisme [The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1930     La Charrette de pommes [The Apple Cart]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1932     Androclès et le lion [Androcles and the Lion]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Serialized in Les Œuvres libres (Paris), No. 133 (July), pp. 5–62. Book publication by F. Aubier (Paris), 1938. The latter included first publication of the “Préface sur les aspects du Christianisme,” translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon.

1932     Le Lien déraisonnable [The Irrational Knot]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1933     Asiles d’aliénés politiques en Amérique et plus près de chez nous [The Political Madhouse in America and Nearer Home]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1933     Les Aventures d’une jeune négresse à la recherche de Dieu [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1933     Le Parfait Wagnérien [The Perfect Wagnerite]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1936     Le Socialiste insociable [An Unsocial Socialist]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1938     Androclès et le lion [Androcles and the Lion]; Défense d’entrer [Overruled]; Pygmalion. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier. Contains first French publication of Overruled.

1941     Mariage [Getting Married]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1941     Le Vrai Blanco Posnet [The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier. [End Page 202]

1943     La Commandante Barbara [Major Barbara]; Comment il mentit au mari [How He Lied to Her Husband]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier. See also 1923.

1945     La Seconde île de John Bull [John Bull’s Other Island]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1946     Genève [Geneva]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1950     Mésalliance [Misalliance]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

1950     Mon portrait en seize esquisses [Sixteen Self Sketches]. Translated by Augustin and Henriette Hamon. Paris: F. Aubier.

Posthumous Publication

Several of the Hamon translations, uncompleted at the death of Augustin Hamon in 1945 and of Shaw in 1950, were prepared for press by Madame Hamon. These included La Grande Catherine [Great Catherine] and Trop vrai pour être beau [Too True to be Good], separately published, 1952; La Milliardaire [The Millionairess], 1953; and Retour à Methusalem, 1959. All were published by F. Aubier, Paris.


For collected editions of Shaw’s dramatic works in German translation, see Soho, A111.

1902     Drei Dramen [Three Plays]. Candida—Ein Teufelskerl [The Devil’s Disciple]—Helden [Arms and the Man]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta; also issued in separate acting editions. The Devil’s Disciple was retitled Die Teufelsschüler when reissued in Berlin (1905) by Felix Bloch Erben (Shaw’s German agent) and in Stuttgart (1905) by Cotta. Despite 1903 publication date in the Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis, copies were issued in December 1902.

1904     Der Schlachtenlenker [The Man of Destiny]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. In 1915 retitled Der Mann des Schicksals.

1906     Frau Warrens Gewerbe [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1906     Der verlorene Vater [You Never Can Tell]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Second edition (1907) retitled Mann kann nie wissen.

1906     Wie er ihren Mann belog [How He Lied to Her Husband]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Acting edition serialized [End Page 203] in Berliner Tageblatt (28 November 1904), pp. 17–19; collected (1910) in Kleine Dramen. [A79].

1907     Cäsar und Cleopatra [Caesar and Cleopatra]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1907     Heuchler [Widowers’ Houses under the title Hypocrites]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. In 1911, a piracy was retitled Die Häuser des Herrn Sartorius.

1907     Mensch und Übermensch [Man and Superman]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Complete work, including the Epistle Dedicatory, “The Revolutionist’s Handbook,” and the “Maxims for Revolutionists,” was published (1919), translated by Siegfried Trebitsch, in Dramatische Werke, IV (Berlin: S. Fischer). The “Handbook,” under the title “Der Katechismus des Umstürzlers,” was serialized in Neue Rundschau (Berlin), October 1905.

1907     Ein Wagnerbrevier [The Perfect Wagnerite]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Dated 1908 on title, but issued in October 1907. [A31c].

1908     Der Amateursozialist [An Unsocial Socialist]. Translated by Wilhelm Cremer. Berlin: Heilbrunn.

1908     Der Arzt am Scheideweg [The Doctor’s Dilemma]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Dated 1909 on title, but issued in November 1908. [A88]. Serialized in Nord und Süd (Berlin), CXXVII (October–December 1908). [C1649] Preface published (1919), as “Vorrede über Arzte,” translated by Siegfried Trebitsch, in Dramatische Werke, IV (Berlin: S. Fischer).

1908     Cashel Byrons Beruf [Cashel Byron’s Profession]. Translated by Alfred Brieger. Berlin: Heilbrunn.

1908     Essays. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [For contents, see A87.]

1908     Ein Ibsenbrevier: Die Quintessenz des Ibsenismus [The Quintessence of Ibsenism]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1908     Kapitän Brassbounds Bekehrung [Captain Brassbound’s Conversion]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1908     Künstlerliebe [Love among the Artists]. Translated by Alfred Brieger and Wilhelm Cremer. Berlin: Heilbrunn.

1908     Der Liebhaber [The Philanderer]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1908     Die törichte Heirat [The Irrational Knot]. Translated by Wilhelm Cremer. Berlin: Heilbrunn. Translation credited to “Alfred Brieger and Wilhelm Cremer” in 1927 edition.

1909     John Bulls andere Insel [John Bull’s Other Island]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Preface published [End Page 204] (1926), as “Vorwort für Politiker,” translated by Siegfried Trebitsch, in Dramatische Werke, VII (Berlin: S. Fischer).

1909     Major Barbara. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1910     Die Ehe [Getting Married; title altered in subsequent printings to Heiraten]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A105] Serialized in Neue Revue und Morgen (Berlin), 1 April–24 June 1909. [C1678]

1910     Kleine Dramen [Small Plays]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Contains Wie er ihren Mann belog [How He Lied to Her Husband], Blanco Posnets Erweckung [The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet], and Zeitungsausschnitte [Press Cuttings]. [A103]. See 1906 for serialization of How He Lied. Blanco serialized in Der Merker (Vienna), I (25 October, 10 and 25 November 1909), pp. 79–81, 112–16, 159–65. Press Cuttings serialized in März (Berlin), III (July 1909), pp. 199–232. [C1780]

1911     Fannys erstes Stück [Fanny’s First Play]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A113]. Serialized in Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), 16 July–8 October 1911. [C1780]

1911     Mesallianz [Misalliance]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Although the work is dated 1910 on title, publication was delayed until April 1911. [A110]. Serialized in Frauen-Zukunft (Munich), I (October 1910–March 1911). [C1745] Preface published (1935), as “Eltern und Kinder,” translated by Siegfried Trebitsch, in Dramatische Werke, IX (Berlin: S. Fischer).

1913     Androklus und der Löwe [Androcles and the Lion]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A125a]. Preface published (1925) as a separate work, Die Aussichten des Christentums, translated by Siegfried Trebitsch (Berlin: S. Fischer).

1913     Pygmalion. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A124a]

1919     Der gesunde Menschenverstand im Krieg [Common Sense about the War]; 2 v. in 1. Edited by René Schickele. Zurich: Max Rascher. “Einzig berecht. Übers.” [“First authorized translation”]. Translator [Siegfried Trebitsch] unidentified until reissue in 1946. Zurich: Pegasus.

1919     Die grosse Katharina [Great Catherine]: Fünf Einakter [Five One-Act Plays]. Also contains: Eine musikalische Kur [The Music-Cure]; Die schwarze Dame der Sonette [The Dark Lady of the Sonnets]; Leidenschaft, Gift und Versteinerung [Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction]; Es hat nicht sollen sein [Overruled]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A150]. Serialization of Great Catherine in Neue Rundschau (Berlin), XXV (April 1914), pp. 515–43; of Dark [End Page 205] Lady in Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), 25 December 1910, pp. 31–36; of Overruled in Neue Freie Presse (23 March 1913), pp. 38–45.

1919     Winke zur Friedenskonferenz [Peace Conference Hints]. Translator unknown [Trebitsch?]. Berlin: S. Fischer. Portions serialized.

1920     Haus Herzenstod [Heartbreak House]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Preface published (1926), as “Vorwort: Haus Hertzenstod und pferdestallungen,” translated by Siegfried Trebitsch, in Dramatische Werke, VII (Berlin: S. Fischer).

1923     Zurück zu Methusalem [Back to Methuselah]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. Part I (Am Anfang [In the Beginning]) serialized in Neue Rundschau (Berlin), XXXIII (1922), pp. 356–71.

1924     Der Boxkampf [The Admirable Bashville]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1924     Die heilige Johanna [Saint Joan]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A170c].

1928     Wegweiser für die intelligente Frau zum Sozialismus und Kapitalismus [The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch and Ernst W. Freissler. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1929     Der Kaiser von Amerika [The Apple Cart]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A195a]. Preface published (1931), as “Vorwort,” translated by Siegfried Trebitsch, in Dramatische Werke, VIII (Berlin: S. Fischer).

1932     Zu wahr um schön zu sein [Too True to be Good]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A209a].

1933     Junger Wein gärt [Immaturity]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1933     Ländliche Werbung [Village Wooing]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Off-printed from the Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), 24 December 1933. Intended as an acting edition. [A213]. Published also by S. Fischer (Berlin, 1934).

1934     Festgefahren! [On the Rocks]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer.

1934     Die Sechs von Calais [The Six of Calais]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Off-printed from the Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), 25 December 1934, pp. 25–28. Apparently intended as an acting edition. [A221].

1935     Die Insel der Überraschungen [The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A222]. [End Page 206] Scene 1 of the prologue serialized in Berliner Tageblatt, 12 February 1935, p. 1:1–3 (Abend-Ausgabe).

1935     Die Millionärin [The Millionairess]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Berlin: S. Fischer. [A225]. Dated 1936, but published 19 December 1935.

1945     Politik für Jedermann [Everybody’s Political What’s What?]. Translated by Franz Fein. (Edition credits Siegfried Trebitsch, however, as authorized translator.) Zurich: Amstutz, Herdeg.

1948     Der gute König Karl [“In Good King Charles’s Golden Days”] and Genf [Geneva]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Zurich: Artemis; collected in Vol. XI of Gesammelte dramatische Werke.

1948     Ein Negermädchen sucht Gott [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Zurich: Artemis.

1948     Zu viel Geld [Buoyant Billions]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Zurich: Artemis. [A256a].

1950     Phantastiche Fabel [First Fable of Farfetched Fables]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Serialized in Neue Schweizer Rundschau (Zurich:), n.s. XVII (March 1950), pp. 697–700. [C3901]

1950     Sechzehn selbstbiographische Skizzen [Sixteen Self Sketches]. Translated by Siegfried Trebitsch. Zurich: Artemis.


1906     Az ördög cimborája [The Devil’s Disciple]. Translated by Lajos Mikes. Budapest: Robert Lampel. Also (1906) a performed but unpublished translation by Sandor Hevesi.

1908     Caesar és Cleopatra [Caesar and Cleopatra]. Translated by Lajos Mikes. Budapest: Robert Lampel. Published 1930 in translation by Sandor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum.

1910     Brassbound kapitány megtérése [Captain Brassbound’s Conversion]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Robert Lampel. Serialized in Magyar Szinpad, No. 7.

1910     Az orvos dilemmája [The Doctor’s Dilemma]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Robert Lampel. Performed as Orvosok [Doctors]/ [A88b]

1910     Warrenné mestersége [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. Translated by Viktor Cholnoky. Budapest: Robert lampel. Also (1909) a performed but unpublished translation by Sandor Hevesi.

[?1910] 1911     Cashel Byron mestersége [Cashel Byron’s Profession]. Translated by Marcell Benedek. Budapest: Robert Lampel.

?1911     A sors embere [The Man of Destiny]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum. [End Page 207]

1912     Blanco Posnet elárultatása [The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum.

1912     Nem lehessen tudni [You Never Can Tell]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Rthenaeum.

1914     Pygmalion. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: RRthenaeum. [A124b]

1915     Anglia ellen és a cár ellen. Okos szest: RRthenae [Common Sense about the War, under the title Against England and against the Czar. Translated by Lajos Mikes. Budapest: Dick.

1916     Candida. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Rozsavalgyi.

1917     Ember és felsobbrendu ember [Man and Superman]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Révai.

1917     Az imádslated by Sándo [How He Lied to Her Husband]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Révai.

1920     Az éden kertjében [In the Beginning: Part I of Back to Methuselah]. Translated by Emil Brázay. Timis;aloara (Temesvár) [Romania]: Moravetz. Published in full (1928) in Shaw, Complete Works, vol. 16, as Vissza Matuzsálemhez, translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum.

1920     Barbara ted by [Major Barbara]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum.

1920     Béke vagy háború [Peace Conference Hints, under the title Peace or War?]. Translated by Antal Radvesi. Budapest: Athena

1920     A kapitány [Arms and the Man]. Translated by Tamás Moly. Budapest: Robert Lampel. Translated as Hosok [Heroes] by Sandor Hevesi in Baratsagos szinmuvek [Plays Pleasant], vol. 1 (1923).

1922     Fanny elsö szìndarabja [Fanny’s First Play]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum.

1925     Szent Johanna [Saint Joan]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum.

1931     A szénásszekér [The Apple Cart]; Androkles és az oröszlán [Androcles and the Lion]. Translated by Sándor Hevesi. Budapest: Athenaeum.

1944     Trefusis úr [An Unsocial Socialist]. Translated by Klara Szöllösy. Budapest: Dante.

1945     Szocializmusr by Klara Szöllösy. Budap [The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism]. Translated by Géza Goda. Budapest: Dante.

1947     Müvészszerelem [Love among the Artists]. Translated by Tivadar Szinnai. Budapest: Dante.

1947     Politikai ábécé [Everybody’s Political What’s What?]. Translated by László Gombos Budapest: Dante [End Page 208]

1947     Szerelmi házasság [Widowers’ Houses]. Translated by Istvan Békés. Budapest: Parnasszus.

1949     Mr. Conolly házassága [The Irrational Knot, under the title Mr. Conolly’s Marriage]. Translated by Tivadar Szinnai, from the 1905 edition revised by Shaw. Budapest: Dante.

c. 1947–1949     Eretlenik [Immaturity]. Translated by Tivadar Szinnai. Budapest: Dante.


1910     Candida. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Rome: Nuova Antologia.

1914     Il senso comune dell’industria municipale [The Common Sense of Municipal Trading]. Translated by Alessandro Schiavi. Milan: Società editrice “Avanti!”.

1915     L’uomo del destino [The Man of Destiny]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: Libreria Editrice Milanese.

1919     Il discepolo del diavolo [The Devil’s Disciple]. Translator unknown. Milan: Sonzogno. Published also in 1928, translated by Antonio Agresti, in Tre commedie per i puritani [Three Plays for Puritans]. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1922     Annajanska, l’imperatrice bolscevica [Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Serialized in La Ronda (Rome), IV (November), pp. 711–29. See also Atti Unici, 1929.

1923     Commedie sgradevoli [Plays Unpleasant]: Le case del vedovo [Widowers’ Houses]; L’uomo amato dalle donne [The Philanderer]; La professione della signora Warren [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1923     Pigmalione [Pygmalion]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Serialized in Comœdia (Milan), 5:24 (15 December), pp. 13–42. Book published (1928) by A. Mondadori, Milan.

1924     Il Wagneriano perfetto [The Perfect Wagnerite]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and Tito Diambra from the 1923 English revision. Milan: Sonzogno.

1925     Torniamo a Matusalemme [Back to Methuselah]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and Tito Diambra. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1926     Commedie gradevoli [Plays Pleasant]: L’eroe [Arms and the Man]; L’uomo del destino [The Man of Destiny]; Candida; Non si sa mai [You Never Can Tell]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1926     La conversione del capitano Brassbound [Captain Brassbound’s Conversion]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and Antonio Agresti. Milan: A. Mondadori. [End Page 209]

1926     Il dilemma del dottore [The Doctor’s Dilemma]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1926     Santa Giovanna [Saint Joan]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: Società editrice Dante Alighieri.

1926     Uomo e superuomo [Man and Superman]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: Società editrice Dante Alighieri.

1927     Cesare e Cleopatra [Caesar and Cleopatra]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1928     Androclo e il leone [Androcles and the Lion]; Caterina la grande [Great Catherine]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori. Preface to Androclo published (1927) as a separate work, Io e il Cristianesimo, translated by Cesare Castelli and Tito Diambra. Milan: “Athena”.

1928     Casa cuorinfranto [Heartbreak House]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and Tito Diambra. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1928     I fidanzati impossibili [Misalliance]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and Tito Diambra. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1928     La prima commedia di Fanny [Fanny’s First Play]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1928     La quintessenza dell’Ibsenismo [The Quintessence of Ibsenism]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and Tito Diambra. Milan: Monanni.

1929     Atti Unici [One-Act Plays]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori. Contains: L’Incas di Perusalemme [The Inca of Perusalem]; “Annaianska”, L’imperatrice Bolscevica [Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress]; Il decorato O’Flaherty [O’Flaherty V.C.]; Augusto reca la sua pietruzza [Augustus Does His Bit]; La dama bruna dei sonetti [The Dark Lady of the Sonnets]; Come lui menti’ al marito di lei [How He Lied to Her Husband]. Previously unpublished except for Annajanska.

1929     Oh, il matrimonio! [Getting Married]. Translated by Antonio Agresti. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1929     La professione di Cashel Byron [Cashel Byron’s Profession]. Translated by I. Morelli. Milan: Dauliana. Published also in 1930, with L’Ammirevole Bashville [The Admirable Bashville], translated by Guido Sestini. Milan: publisher unknown.

1930     L’imperatore d’America [The Apple Cart]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and Tito Diambra. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1932     Maggiore Barbara [Major Barbara]. Translator unknown. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1933     Troppo vera per esser buona [Too True to be Good]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and M. Celerino. Milan: A. Mondadori. [A209b]

1933     Il vincolo irrazionale [The Irrational Knot]. Translated by Kyra Antonoff. [End Page 210] Milan: Corbaccio. Also in 1933, as Il Nodo impossibile, translator unknown. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1934     Tra gli scogli [On the Rocks]. Translated by Mario Borsa and Cesare Castelli. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

?1937     Le avventure della ragazza negra alla ricerca di Dio [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by Cesare Castelli and F. Pavonelli. Milan: A. Mondadori.

1939     Il giudizio universale [Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles under the title The Universal Judgment]; La milionaria [The Millionairess]; Idillio villereccio [Village Wooing]. Translated by Bruno Maffi and C. Carlo Castelli. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori. La milionaria reissued (1956) by Mondadori as La milionardaria [The Multimillionairess].

1948     Ai tempi d’oro del buon re Carlo [“In Good King Charles’s Golden Days”]. Translated by Carlo Castelli and Mario Pettinati. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1948     Ginevra [Geneva]. Translated by Carlo Castelli and Bruno Maffi. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1950     Guida della donna intelligente [The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism]. Translated by Mario Pettinati. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori.

1951     Il credo politico di chiunque [Everybody’s Political What’s What?]. Translated by Mario Ducci. Milan [Milano-Verona]: A. Mondadori. Printed (and possibly issued) late in 1950.


1916     Socyaista na ustroniu [An Unsocial Socialist]. Translated by Roman Jaworski. Lvov: “Ateneum.” Published in 1928 under the title Dietant. Translated by Wiktor Popawski. Warsaw: Groszowa.

1921     Cezar i Kleopatra [Caesar and Cleopatra]. Translated by Br[onisawa] Neufeldowna. Warsaw: E. Wende (Ignis).

1921     Stary rewolucjonista a nowa rewolucja [The Old Revolutionist and the New Revolution]. Translator unknown. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo “Mysaali Robotniczej” [Publishing House “Workers’ Thought”].

1925     Swieta Joanna [Saint Joan]. Translated by Floryan Sobieniowski. Warsaw: Nakl. Wacawa Czarskiego.

1928     Miilosc wsrod artystow [Love among the Artists]. Translated by Floryan Sobieniowski. Poznan;aa: R. Wegner (Wydawnictwo Polskie). A new translation by Sobieniowski was published (1948) by R. Wegner, Warsaw.

1930     Maz Przeznaczenia [The Man of Destiny]. Translated by Wilam Horzyca. Warsaw: Bibljoteka Dramatyczna Drogi [Traveling Drama Library]. [End Page 211]

1933     Przygody czarnej dziewczyny w poszukiwaniu Bjot [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by Floryan Sobieniowski. Warsaw: “Roj.” A new translation by Sobieniowski was published (1948) by the Society of Polish Freethinkers, Warsaw.


1905     Polkovodets [The Man of Destiny, under the title The Captain]. Translated by Eh. Mattern and A. Vorotnikov. [St. Petersburg]: Biblioteka teatra i iskusstva [Library of Theatre and Art]. Published also (1906), under same title, translated by N. Zhukovskaya. St. Petersburg: Suverin [Sovereign?]. Also (1910) as Muzh roka [Man of Fate], translated by L. Ehksner. Moscow: Sablin. Also (1910) as Izbrannik sudby [Fate’s Chosen One], translated by I. Maevskiy. Moscow: Ateneum [Athenaeum].

1906     Voyna i chelovek [Arms and the Man, under the title War and Man]. Translated by N. Zhukovskaya. St. Petersburg: Suverin. Published also (1911) as Shokoladny soldatik [Chocolate Soldier], translated by L. Ehksner. Moscow: Sablin.

1907     Kak on lgal eyo muzhu [How He Lied to Her Husband]. Translated by M. A. (otherwise unidentified). St. Petersburg: Biblioteka teatra i iskusstva. Published also (1910), with Volokita [The Philanderer]: see 1910, first entry. In the title of the 1911 Moscow edition issued by Sablin, “lgal” (Lied) is altered to “obmanul” (Tricked).

1907     Komediya braka [You Never Can Tell, under the title The Marriage Comedy]. Translated by A. Burd-Voskhodov. Odessa: publisher unknown. Published also (1910) as Vy nikogda ne mozhete skazat’ (Poteryanny otets) [You Never Can Tell (The Lost Father)], translated by M. Potapenko. [St. Petersburg]: Biblioteka teatra i iskusstva. Also (1910) as Ni za chto by vy ehtogo ne skazali [You Never Should Say That], with Kandida, translated by L. Ehksner. Moscow: Sablin.

1907     Professiya gospozhi Uarrehn [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. Translated by Eh. Mattern and I. Mark. Moscow: Sokolovaya. Published also (1907), abridged, as Bogataya mat’ [Rich Mother]. Translated by M. Veykone. St. Petersburg: “Teatra i iskusstvo” (illustrated).

1908     Apostol satany [The Devil’s Disciple, under the title Satan’s Apostle]. Translated by I. Danilov. St. Petersburg: “Osvobozhdenie” [“Liberation”]. Published also (1910), translated by N. Ehfros (Moscow: Sablin), and (1911) as Uchenik dyavola, with the alternative title Bezbozhnik [The Atheist], translated by S. Rapoport. Moscow: “Polza” [“Commonweal”]. [End Page 212]

1908     Farisei [Widowers’ Houses, under the title Pharisees]. Translated by V. Gotvalt. Moscow: “Polza.”

1909     Vrach na rasputi [The Doctor’s Dilemma, under the title Doctor at the Crossroads]. Translated by M. Veykone. St. Petersburg: Teatr i iskusstvo. Published also (?1910), translated by K. B. (otherwise unidentified), in a volume with Sila zhenshchiny [Captain Brassbound’s Conversion]. Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy” [“Contemporary Problems”]. The latter publisher also issued (c. 1910) “an abridged version for the stage,” translated by M. Kadish. Another version (?1910), also coupled with Brassbound, translated by E. Barsovaya, was issued in Moscow by Sablin.

1909     Gazetnye vyrezki [Press Cuttings], described as “Extracts from a new play.” Translator unidentified. Serialized in Vsemirnaya panorama [Worldwide Panorama] (St. Petersburg?), No. 13, pp. 12–14. Published also (1910) as Zhenshchina s sabley [Woman with a Saber], translated by I. Maevskiy. Moscow: “Ateneum” [“Athenaeum”].

1909     Tsezar’ i Kleopatra [Caesar and Cleopatra]. Translated by Eh. Beskin and B[oris]. Lebedev. St. Petersburg: “Teatr i iskusstvo.” In 1910, three additional translations, by N. Ehfros (Moscow: Sablin); by E. Leninaya (Moscow: “Polza”); and by V. Shul-

yatikov (Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy”), the last incorporating a translation of “The Revolutionist’s Handbook” (appendix to Man and Superman), were published.

1910     Volokita [The Philanderer, under the title The Ladykiller]; Kak on lgal eyo muzhu [How He Lied to Her Husband]; Probuzhdenie Blanko Posnet [The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet]; Gazetnye vyrezki [Press Cuttings]: see 1909 for serialization of the last play. Translated by O. Vsevolodskiy. Moscow: Sablin.

1910     Kandida [Candida]. Translated by E. Tropovskiy. St. Petersburg: “Ad Astra” (publishing house). Serialized, apparently, in a journal or book series bearing the same name as the publisher, Nos. 21–24 (?1910). Published also (1910) in a volume with You Never Can Tell: see 1907, second entry. Translated by L. Ehksner. Moscow: Sablin.

?1910     Nerazumny brak [The Irrational Knot, under the title The Irrational Marriage]. Translated by L. Nikiforov and V. Shulyatikov. Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy.”

1910     Sila zhenshchiny [The Strength of a Woman], alternatively titled Obrashchenie kapitana Brassbaunda [Captain Brassbound’s Conversion]. Translated by L. Nikiforov. Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy.” Published almost simultaneously, translated by [End Page 213] V. Orekhovaya, by rival Moscow publisher Sablin. Both editions combined the play with The Doctor’s Dilemma.

1910     Sotsialist-lyubitel’ [An Unsocial Socialist, under the title An Amateur Socialist]. Translated by E. Barsovaya. Moscow: Sablin.

1910     Trushchoby [Widowers’ Houses, under the title The Slums]. Translated by L. Ehksner: see 1905. Moscow: Sablin.

1910     Chelovek i sverkhchelovek [Man and Superman]. Translated by L. Nikiforov. Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy.” Published also (1910) in translations by N. Ehfros (Moscow: Sablin) and by M. Potapenko ([St. Petersburg]: Biblioteka teatra i iskusstva, V, pp. 1–105). The latter may be a book series or a journal serialization.

1911     Lyubov’ artista [Love among the Artists, under the title Love of an Artist]. Translated by A. Vladimirovaya. Moscow: Sablin. Published also (1913) as U zhertvennika iskusstva [At Art’s Altar]. Translated by F. Malakhievaya-Mirovich. Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy.” 2 vols.

1911     Ocherki [Essays]. Translated by M. T. (otherwise unidentified). Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy.” The translation is drawn principally from Siegfried Trebitsch’s German translation, 1908 (A87), with the addition of Vagnerianizm [The Perfect Wagnerite] and Ibsenizm [The Quintessence of Ibsenism], plus a few miscellaneous pieces.

1911     Professiya Kashelya Bayrona [Cashel Byron’s Profession]. Translated by M. Rozenfeld. Moscow: Sablin. Published also (1911) as Karera odnogo bortsa [One Fighter’s Career], translated by F. Malakhievaya-Mirovich. Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy.”

1911     Soldat iz armii spaseniya [Major Barbara, under the title Soldier of the Salvation Army]. Translator unidentified. Moscow: “Sovremennye problemy.” Published also (1934) as Mayor Barbara, alternatively titled Porokh i dengi [Gunpowder and Money]. Translated by E. Tank and V. Trakhtenberg. Leningrad and Moscow: Tsedram [Cedram].

1914     Androkl i lev [Androcles and the Lion]. Translated (authorized) “from the manuscript” by Z. Vengerovaya and B[oris]. Lebedev. Serialized (?1914) in Zavety (St. Petersburg), No. 2, pp. 102–146.

1914     Ulichnaya tsvetochnitsa [Street Flower Girl], alternatively titled Pigmalion [Pygmalion]. Translated (unauthorized) by E. R[us]skaya[?]. Moscow: Rossokhin, announced as a “lithographic [End Page 214] [photolithographic?] edition.” Later in the year Rossokhin supplanted this with an authorized edition of Pigmalion translated by B[oris]. Lebedev. It too was described as a “lithographic edition.” A 1914 edition, translated by M. Potapenko and Z. Lvovskiy, was published also by “Teatr i iskusstvo,” Petrograd (the new name that year for the former St. Petersburg).

1915     Mezalyans [Misalliance]. Translated by B[oris]. Lebedev. [Petrograd]: “Teatr i iskusstvo.” Published also (1915), translated by [no given name] Fedorovich. Moscow: S. Rossokhin. The latter translation was published (1915) by Teatralnaya gazeta, Moscow. All three issues are described as “lithographic edition.”

1915     Pervaya pesa Fanni [Fanny’s First Play], alternatively titled Eyo pervaya pesa [Her First Play]. Translated by M. Potapenko and Z. Lvovskiy. [Petrograd?]: “Ekateringofskoe pechatnoe delo” [a puzzling name in which an apparent acronym (“gof”) links “Catherine” and “Publishing Company”]. Published also (1916) as Eyo pervaya pesa, including Shaw’s preface and epilogue, translated by L. Pakhat. Kiev: Samonenko.

1915     Uvlechyonnie [Overruled, under the title The Passionate Ones]. Translated (authorized) by B[oris]. Lebedev. Serialized in Biblioteka teatra i iskusstva (Petrograd), Bk. (Vol.?) 11, pp. 11–16. The small number of pages suggests a journal serialization rather than a volume in a book series, assuming the text is not just an extract.

1922     Krasnaya imperatritsa [Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress, under the title The Red Empress]. Translated (authorized) by B[oris]. Lebedev. Moscow: “Bereg.”

1923     Ekaterina velikaya [Great Catherine]. Translator unidentified. Petrograd: “Teatr i iskusstvo.”

1923     Nachinaetsya [In the Beginning: Part I, Act 1, of Back to Methuselah] (full act or fragment?). Translated by K. Zhikharevaya. Serialized in Sovremenny zapad [Modern West] (Leningrad), vol. 2, pp. 75–111. The full edition (1924) of Back to Methuselah [Nazad k Mafusailu] was translated by N. Bryansky, K. Zhikharevaya, and O. Poddyachaya. Moscow and Petrograd: “Vsemirnaya literatura” [“World Literature”].

1924     Ioanna d’Ark [Saint Joan, under the title Joan of Arc]. Translated (including Epilogue) by P. Guber. Leningrad: “Vremya” [“Time”].

1932     Plokho, no pravda [Too True to be Good, under the title Bad but True]. Three extracts serialized in unidentified translation. Literaturnaya gazeta [Literary Gazette], (Moscow), 23/VIII. Serialized also (1932), extent of text undetermined, in a translation by M. Levidov. [Moscow]: Literatura mirovoy revolyutsii [Literature of the World Revolution], No. 9–10, pp. 3–32. Published in full (1933), translated by M. Levidov and L. Blok. Moscow and Leningrad: [End Page 215] GIKhL [State Publishing House of Artistic Literature]. Published also in anthology, Collection (see 1946), under the title Gorko, no pravda [Bitter but True], translated by V. Toper.

1933     Dom, gde razbivayutsya serdtsa [Heartbreak House]. Translated by M. Levidov. Telezhka s yablokami [The Apple Cart]. Translated by I. Zvavich. Included in an anthology of otherwise previously published Shaw plays, under the title Selected Works. Moscow and Leningrad: GIKhL.

1933     Chyornokozhaya devushka v poiskakh boga [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by A. Krivtsovaya. Moscow: GIKhL. The translation was serialized as well, in Internatsionalnaya literatura [International Literature, (Moscow), No. 2, pp. 5–34. The GIKhL edition contains Shaw’s afterword: the serial publication (not seen) very possibly lacked it.

1934     Na meli [On the Rocks]. Extracts, translated by E. Volzhinaya. Internatsionalnaya literatura (Moscow), No. 5, pp. 11–26. Also (1934) an extract from Act 1 (translator unidentified) was published, under the title Na skalakh [On the Cliffs] by Za rubezhom [Abroad], Moscow.

1935     Prostofilya s Nevedomykh ostrovov [The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles, under the title The Ninny from the Mysterious Islands]. Translated by L. Savelevaya. A fragment of this was serialized in Za rubezhom, Moscow, No. 9, pp. 204–205. The full play, translated (authorized) “from the manuscript” by B[oris]. Lebedev, was serialized (1936), as Prostak s Ostrovov neozhidannosti [The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles], in Novy mir (Moscow), No. 6, pp. 119–153.

1936     Millionersha [The Millionairess]. A portion of Act 1, translator unidentified (but very likely Boris Lebedev) was serialized in Za rubezhom, Moscow, No. 20, pp. 466–468.

1939     Ogestus vypolnyaet svoy dolg [Augustus Does His Bit]. Translated by T. Zvavich. Serialized in Internatsionalnaya literatura (Moscow), No. 9–10, pp. 3–12. Published (1940) in an anthology, Malenkie pesy [Short Plays]. Moscow and Leningrad: “Iskusstvo” [“Art”].

1941     V zolotye dni dobrogo korolya Karla [“In Good King Charles’s Golden Days”]. Translated (authorized) by B[oris]. Lebedev. Internatsionalnaya literatura (Moscow), No. 1, pp. 45–83.

1946     Drugoy ostrov Dzhona Bullya [John Bull’s Other Island]. Translated by O. Kholmskaya. Smuglaya ledi sonetov [The Dark Lady of the Sonnets]. Translated by M. Lorie. Included in an anthology of otherwise previously published Shaw plays, under the title Collection. Moscow: Goslitizdat [State Publishing House of Artistic Literature]. [End Page 216]


Imprint of Sociedad de Autores Espanoles on upper cover of all the Velasco publications through 1915.

1907     De armas tomar [Arms and the Man]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Translated by Broutá as Héroes in Comedias agradables [Plays Pleasant], Madrid: M. Aguilar, c. 1930. Translated by Carles Capdevila into Catalán, as L’home ie les armes. Barcelona: Millà, 1934.

1907     Non olet [Widowers’ Houses]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Serialized in Teatro espaed b 81:11. The Latin title, meaning No Odor (in reference to money), was borrowed by Broutá from a statement by the emperor Vespasian. Eventually it was adopted by several of Shaw’s translators.

1907     Trata de blancas [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1908     Cándida. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Serialized in Teatro espad by 81:4.

1908     Los despachos de Napolero [The Man of Destiny]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1908     El enamorador [The Philanderer]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Translated by Broutá also as Fascinaciat [Deceitful] for Comedias desagradables [Plays Unpleasant], Madrid: M. Aguilar, 1925; and as El hombre que se deja querer [The Man Who Lets Himself Love], Madrid: La Farsa, 1931. Also translated by Pedro Lecuona as El maripos L [The Butterfly], in Comedias desagradables [Plays Unpleasant], Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1949.

1908     Lucha de sexos [You Never Can Tell]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1909     César y Cleopatra [Caesar and Cleopatra]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Serialized in Teatro espaed b 81:5.

1909     El discìpulo del diablo [The Devil’s Disciple]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Translated by Carles Capdevila into Catalán, as El deixable del diablo. Barcelona: Occitania, 1925.

1910     La conversi: Occitania, 1925.

Madri [Captain Brassbound’s Conversion]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1911     La comandanta Barbara [Major Barbara]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1911     Su esposo [How He Lied to Her Husband]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1912     El compromiso de Blanco Posnet [The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet]. [End Page 217] Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Serialized in Teatro universal, 1:14.

1912     El dilema del doctor [The Doctor’s Dilemma]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1912     La otra isla de John Bull [John Bull’s Other Island]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1915     Androcles y el leJu [Androcles and the Lion]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. [A125b]

1915     Hombre y superhombre [Man and Superman]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco. Serialized in Teatro espaed b 81:9.

1915     El sentido común y la guerra [Common Sense about the War]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Velasco.

1917     Vencidos [Overruled]; with “Dos Palabras (sobre las Ideas y sobre el Arte de George Bernard Shaw) de Antonio Castro.” México: Victoria. Serialized in Cultura, 6:1.

1919     El porvenir del mundo. Comentarios a la conferencia de la paz [Peace Conference Hints]. Trans. by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Librerìa Fe.

1925     Santa Juana [Saint Joan]. Trans. by Julio Broutá. Madrid: Occidente. Also (1927) into Catalan, translated by Carles Capdevila and C. Fernández Burgas. Barcelona: Bonavia.

1926     Llegando a casarse [Getting Married]; with reissues of El dilema del doctor and El compromiso de Blanco Posnet. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar.

1926     Pigmalila [Pygmalion]; with reissue of Androcles y el lef . Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar.

1926     Volviendo a Matusalén [Back to Methuselah]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar.

1927     Matrimonio desigual [Misalliance]; La dama morena de los sonetos [The Dark Lady of the Sonnets]; La primera obra de Fanny [Fanny’s First Play]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar.

1928     La casa de las penas [Heartbreak House]; La gran Catalina [Great Catherine]; La cruz de la Victoria de O’Flathery [O’Flaherty V.C.]; El Inca de Perusalén [The Inca of Perusalem]; Augusto hace lo suyo [Augustus Does His Bit]; Ana Janska le emperatriz bolchevique [Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar.

1928     Guìa de la mujer inteligente para el conocimiento del socialismo y el capitalismo [The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar.

1929     La profesited by Julio Brout [Cashel Byron’s Profession]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar.

1930     El carro de las manzanas [The Apple Cart]. Translated by Julio Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar. [End Page 218]

1933     Las aventuras de la ni Broutá. Madrid: M. Aguilar [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by Roman A. Jimenez. Buenos Aires: “El Ombu.”

1946     Guìa politica de nuestro tiempo [Everybody’s Political What’s What?]. Translated by Pedro Lecuona. Buenos Aires: Losada.

1950     Dieciséis esbozos de mi mismo [Sixteen Self Sketches]. Translated by Floreal Mazìa. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana.

1950     Pasi

anslated by Floreal MazÀ1 [Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction]. Translated by Rafael Morales and Charles David Ley. Madrid: La Botella en el Mar.


1894–97     Fabiske essays om socialismen [Fabian Essays in Socialism]. 8 vols., bound in 1. Translated by Francis Wolff. Bergen: R. Paulson, 1894–97. Vol. 1: G. B. Shaw, ‘konomisk analyse [“The Basis of Socialism: Economic”] (1894); Vol. 7: G. B. Shaw, Overgangen til social-demokratiet [“The Transition to Social Democracy”] (1897).

1907–08     Behagliga stycken och obehagliga [Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant]. 2 vols. Translated by Hugo Vallentin. Stockholm: A. Bonnier. Contains: Vol. I (1907), Behagliga stycken [Plays Pleasant]: Hjältar [Arms and the Man]; Candida; Ödets man [The Man of Destiny]; and Man kan aldrig veta [You Never Can Tell]; vol. 2, (1908), Obehagliga stycken [Plays Unpleasant]: Änklingars hus [Widowers’ Houses]; Kurtisören [The Philanderer]; and Mrs. Warrens yrke [Mrs Warren’s Profession]. All seven plays issued separately in Bonnier’s Svenska Teatern series.

1909     Omaka [The Irrational Knot, under the title Odd]. Translator [Hugo Vallentin] uncredited. Stockholm: A. Bonnier. Published also (1926) as Den olösbara knuten, translated by Ella Svanberg. Stockholm: Holmquist.

1914     Pygmalion. Translated by Hugo Vallentin. Stockholm: A. Bonnier. [A124c]

1915     Sunt förnuft om kriget [Common Sense about the War]. Translator [Hugo Vallentin] uncredited. Stockholm: A. Bonnier.

1916     Revolutionärens Handbok [The Revolutionist’s Handbook]. Translated by Gösta Langenfelt. Stockholm: Tidens förlag. This appendix to Man and Superman appears to be the only portion of the work to be published in Swedish in Shaw’s lifetime, although it had major stage productions.

1917     Lustresa till fronten [Joy-riding at the Front]. Translator [Hugo Vallentin] uncredited. Stockholm: A. Bonnier.

1917     Sidney Trefusis Esq. [An Unsocial Socialist]. Translated by Gösta Langenfelt. Stockholm: Tidens förlag. [End Page 219]

1919     Funderingar om freden [Peace Conference Hints]. Translated by E. Brusewitz. Stockholm: A. Bonnier.

1920     Mr Byrons yrke och hans hustru [Cashel Byron’s Profession, under the title Mr. Byron’s Work and His Wife]. Translator unknown. Stockholm: Hökerberg. A 1926 issue, as Cashel Byrons yrke, also published by Hökerberg, was translated by M. Isberg.

1922     Konstnärskärlek [Love among the Artists]. Translator unknown. Stockholm: Hökerberg. Another edition (1926) was translated by A. Berg (Stockholm: Holmquist) and a third (1934), as Artistkarlek, translated by G. Halfdan Liander (Stockholm: Saxon and Lindström).

1925     Sankta Johanna [Saint Joan]. Translated by Ebba Low and Gustaf Linden. Stockholm: A. Bonnier.

1927     Stycken for puritaner [Plays for Puritans]. Translated by Hugo Vallentin, revised and edited by Ebba Low and Gustaf Linden. Stockholm: A. Bonnier. Contains: Djävulens lärjunge [The Devil’s Disciple] and Cæsar och Cleopatra [Caesar and Cleopatra].

1930     Den intelligenta kvinnans vägvisare till socialism och kapitalism [The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism]. Translated by Ebba Low and Lilly Classen. Stockholm: Tidens förlag.

1934     Karusellen [The Apple Cart]. Translated by Ebba Low and Gustav Linden for radio. Stockholm: Radiojänst.

1935     Den svarta flickans sällsamma äventyr när hon sökte efter Gud [The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God]. Translated by Ebba Low. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.

1948     Att gifta sig [Getting Married]. Translated by Henrik Dyfverman for radio. Stockholm: A. Bonnier.

principal sources for translation listings: Library of Congress: National Union Catalogue of pre-1956 Imprints. British Library: General Catalogue. Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris): Catalogue général. UNESCO (Paris): Index Translationum (commencing 1932). National bibliographies, excepting Poland and Russia. I. M. Levidova (compiler), Bernard Shaw: Bio-bibliograficheskiy ukazatel’k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya (Moscow, 1956). M. Horn-Monvale, Répertoire bibliographique des traductions et adaptations franÀ’Àaises du théâtre étranger, V: Théâtre Anglais (Paris, 1963). Anglo-Swedish Foundation (London). Special collections of Shaw translations: Czechoslovakian (Guelph); Polish and Hungarian (North Carolina); Spanish (Toronto). We are particularly indebted to Stephen E. Wilhite for Russian transliteration; to Dan Knickrehm for Russian translation; and to Sidney Lupinski and Ronald D. Bachman for Polish translation.

Fred D. Crawford

Fred D. Crawford, 23 January 1947–4 January 1999, General Editor of SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, 1990–2000, and Associate Professor of English at Central Michigan University, was the author of numerous books and articles on British and modern literature, notably H. M. Tomlinson (1981); Mixing Memory and Desire: The Waste Land and British Novels (1982); British Poets of the Great War (1988); and Richard Aldington and Lawrence of Arabia: A Cautionary Tale (1998). He was also working on a biography of the American broadcaster Lowell Thomas. In addition to his work as general editor of SHAW, he was guest editor of SHAW 9: Shaw Offstage; co-editor with Stanley Weintraub of SHAW 10; and co-editor with Dan H. Laurence of SHAW 20: Bibliographical Shaw.
