In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • A Comprehensive Bibliography of Advertising and Society, 1980–2000

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Aaker, D. A. and Bruzzone, D. E. (1981). “Viewer Perceptions of Prime-Time Television Advertising.” Journal of Advertising Research 21 (5)(October): 15–23.
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Aaker, J. L. and Williams, P. (1998). “Empathy Versus Pride: The Influence of Emotional Appeals Across Cultures.” Journal of Consumer Research 25 (3)(December): 241–261.
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Ackerberg, D. A. (1997). Advertising, Learning, and Consumer Choice in Experience Market Goods. New Haven, CT, Yale University.
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Adams, W. C. (1982). Media Power in Presidential Elections: An Exploratory Analysis, 1960–1980. The President and the Public. Philadelphia, PA, Institute of the Study of Human Issues: 111–141.
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Adegbija, E. E. (1983). A Speech Act Analysis of Consumer Advertisements.
Adkins-Covert, T. J. (1997). Mobilization Propaganda: Advertisements in Women’s Magazines during World War II, American Sociological Association (ASA).
Agres, S. J., Edell, J. A., et al., Eds. (1990). Emotion in Advertising: Theoretical and Practical Explorations. New York, Quorum Books.
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Ahuvia, A. C. (1998). “Social Criticism of Advertising: On the Role of Literary Theory and the Use of Data.” Journal of Advertising 27 (1)(Spring): 143–162.
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Alaniz, M. L. (1998). “Alcohol Availability and Targeted Advertising in Racial Ethnic Minority Communities.” Alcohol Health and Research World 22 (4): 286–289.
Alaniz, M. L. and Wilkes, C. (1995). “Reinterpreting Latino Culture in the Commodity Form: The Case of Alcohol Advertising in the Mexican American Community.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 17 (4)(November): 430–451.
Alaniz, M. L. and Wilkes, C. (1998). “Pro-Drinking Messages and Message Environments for Young Adults: The Case of Alcohol Industry Advertising in African-American, Latino, and Native American Communities.” Journal of Public Health Policy 19 (4): 447–471.
Albers-Miller, N. D. and Gelb, B. D. (1996). “Business Advertising Appeals as a Mirror of Cultural Dimensions: A Study of Eleven Countries.” Journal of Advertising 25 (4)(Winter): 57–70.
Alden, D. L. and Crowley, A. E. (1995). “Sex Guilt and Receptivity to Condom Advertising.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 25 (16)(August 16): 1446–1463.
Alden, D. L. and et al. (1995). “The Use of Humor in Asian and Western Television Advertising: A Four-Country Comparison.” Journal of Asia-Pacific Business 1 (2): 3–23.
Alden, D. L. and Hoyer, W. D. (1993). “An Examination of Cognitive Factors Related to Humorousness in Television Advertising.” Journal of Advertising 22 (2)(June): 29–37.
Alexander, A. and Morrison, M. A. (1995). “Electric Toyland and the Structures of Power: An Analysis of Critical Studies on Children as Consumers.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 12 (3)(September): 344–353.
Alexander, V. D. (1994). “The Image of Children in Magazine Advertisements from 1905 to 1990...
