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  • Bibliography


CEG P. A. Hansen. Carmina Epigraphica Graeca, 2 vols. Berlin 1983, 1989.
DK H. Diels and W. Kranz. Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 3 vols. Berlin 1951-52 (6th ed.).
FGE D. L. Page. Further Greek Epigrams. Cambridge 1981.
LfgrE B. Snell et al. Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos. Göttingen 1955-.
LP E. Lobel and D. L. Page. Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta. Oxford 1955.
PEG A. Bernabé. Poetarum epicorum Graecorum testimonia et fragmenta, Pars I. Leipzig 1987.
PMG D. L. Page. Poetae Melici Graeci. Oxford 1962.
SH H. Lloyd-Jones and P. Parsons. Supplementum Hellenisticum. Berlin 1983.
TrGF B. Snell et al. Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Göttingen 1971-
W M. L. West. Iambi et Elegi Graeci: ante Alexandrum Cantati. Oxford 1971, 1972 (1st ed.) and 1991, 1992 (2nd ed.). [= IEG]
W1 M. L. West. Iambi et Elegi Graeci: ante Alexandrum Cantati, 2 vols. Oxford 1971, 1972.
W2 M. L. West. Iambi et Elegi Graeci: ante Alexandrum Cantati, 2nd ed., 2 vols. Oxford 1991, 1992.


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Lobel, E. et al. (eds.) 1948. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 19 no. 2225 intro.
Parsons, P. J. 1992a. "3965. Simonides, Elegies," The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 59.4-50.
West, M. L. 1972. Iambi et Elegi Graeci, vol. 2. Oxford. (= W1) [End Page 283]
———. 1992. Iambi et Elegi Graeci, vol. 22. Oxford. (=W2) Reviews: M. W. Haslam, BMCR 4 (1993) 131-35; J. H. Molyneux, CR 44 (1994) 201; S. R. Slings, Mnemosyne 48 (1995) 466-69; G. Burzacchini, Gnomon, forthcoming.

Articles, etc.

Adkins, A. 1972. "Truth, ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, and APETH in the Homeric Poems," CQ 22.5-18.
Allen, A. 1993. The Fragments of Mimnermus: Text and Commentary. Stuttgart.
Aloni, A. 1990 (1992). "Proemio e funzione proemiale nella poesia greca arcaica" in Lirica Greca e Latina, Atti del Convegno di Studi Polacco-Italiano, Poznan 2-5 maggio 1990 = AION (Fil-Let) 12.99-130.
———. 1994. "L'elegia di Simonide dedicata alla battaglia di Platea (Sim. frr. 10-18 W2) e l'occasione della sua performance," ZPE 102.9-22.
———. forthcoming. "The Proem of Simonides' Elegy on the Battle of Plataea (Sim. frr. 10-18 W2 ) and the Circumstances of Its Performance" in L. Edmunds and R. W. Wallace (eds.), Poet, Public, and Performance: Essays in Ancient Greek Literature and Literary Theory. Ann Arbor.
Antonaccio, C. M. 1994. An Archaeology of Ancestors: Tomb Cult and Hero Cult in Early Greece. Lanham, Md.
Arnold, T. 1891. Die griechischen Studien des Horaz. Halle a.S.
Austin, N. 1967. "Idyll 16: Theocritus and Simonides," TAPA 98.1-21.Repr. in B. Effe (ed.), Theokrit und die griechische Bukolik, 105-25. Darmstadt 1986.
Babut, D. 1971. "Sémonide et Mimnerme," REG 84.17-43.
Badian, E. 1993. "Plataea between Athens and Sparta: In Search of Lost History" in id., From Plataea to Potidaea: Studies in the History and Historiography of the Pentecontaetia, 109-23. Baltimore.
Barchiesi, A. 1995. "Simonide e Orazio sulla morte di Achille," ZPE 107.33-38. An English version appears in this volume.
———. forthcoming. "Poetry, Praise, and Patronage: Simonides in Book 4 of Horace's Odes," CA 15 (1996) 5-47.
Barigazzi, A. 1963. "Nuovi frammenti delle elegie di Simonide (Ox. Pap. 2327)," MH 20.61-76. [End Page 284]
Becker, O. 1937. Das Bild des Weges (Hermes Einzelschriften 4). Berlin.
Bernabé, A. 1987. Poetarum epicorum Graecorum testimonia et fragmenta, Pars I. Leipzig. [= PEG]
Boedeker, D. 1987. "The Two Faces of Demaratus," Arethusa 20.185-201.
———. 1988. "Protesilaos and the End of Herodotus' Histories," CA 7.30-48.
———. 1995. "Simonides on Plataea: Narrative Elegy, Mythodic History," ZPE 107.217-29.
———. 1996. "Heroizing History: Simonides' Elegy on Plataea" forthcoming in the Proceedings...

