- News That Stays
"It's a multiday process... Under stress,officially mia, with a mission. Friendly fire. That's not your question? I have a good answer for it.
Sorry, but we just can't discuss that,and I can't even discuss why we can't discuss it.
Let me walk you through that decision. Unhindered:Elite Republican Guard.
Cut it off and then kill it. In my mind's eye... a thousand points of light. If you've got a hammer, find a nail.
What the vulnerabilities are.
I'm not trying togaff the question. That's a service prerogative.
To classify these folks as prisoners of war.. . .
Could you tell us, Pete, if the slick will spread and poison all the waters in the region? I don't think we have a good feeling for that. [End Page 42]
Something has happened to his country that he doesn't want us to see.
A daisy cutter, to soften-up the troops.Just ripple off...into infinity! A new order. Tel Aviv...acrematorium. We haven't yet reached, I think, a point of diminishing
returns. By popular demand. Mr. Ambassador,thank you very much for your time. My pleasure."
(The Gulf War, 1991) [End Page 43]
Peter Cole is the author of What Is Doubled: Poems 1981-1998. His latest volume, Things on Which I've Stumbled, was published by New Directions in 2008. Cole's many books of translation from Hebrew and Arabic include The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain 950-1492 (Princeton University Press, 2007). He was named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow in 2007.