In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Volume 51 Index


Culture and Society

Implicit Normativity in Scientific Advice: Values in Nutrition Scientists’ Decisions to Give Public Advice 199

Anna Paldam Folker, Hanne Andersen, and Peter Sandøe

Taking the Devil into Your Mouth: Ritualized American Weight-Loss Narratives of Morality, Pain, and Betrayal 207

April Michelle Herndon

Ethics and Philosophy

Parasites and Progress: Ethical Decision-Making and the Santee-Cooper Malaria Study, 1944–1949 103

Leo Slater and Margaret Humphreys

Two Faces of Death: Fatalities from Disease and Combat in America’s Principal Wars, 1775 to Present 121

Vincent J. Cirillo

Mortal Exposure: On the Goodness of Writing Medical Ethics 163

Geoffrey Rees

History and Biography

Mao Zedong’s Fight Against Schistosomiasis 176

Kawai Fan and Honkei Lai

The First Pharmacoepidemiologic Investigations: National Drug Safety Policy in the United States, 1901–1902 188

David E. Lilienfeld [End Page 1]

The Changing Face of “Real Research” 464

Howard Hiatt

Medical Education and Practice

Training for Fitness: Reconsidering the 80-HourWorkWeek 134

Catherine V. Caldicott and James W. Holsapple

The Afterbirth of the Clinic: A Foucauldian Perspective on “House M.D.” and American Medicine in the 21st Century 220

Leigh E. Rich, Jack Simmons, David Adams, Scott Thorp, and Michael Mink

An Epidemic of Depression or the Medicalization of Distress? 238

Roger T. Mulder

Drug Reps and the Academic Medical Center: A Case for Management Rather than Prohibition 251

Thomas S. Huddle

Beyond Empathy 471

Richard Sobel

Toward Reducing the Prevalence of Chronic Disease: A Life Course Perspective on Health Preservation 616

Jeremiah A. Barondess

Science and Medicine

From Body to Brain: Considering the Neurobiological Effects of Female Genital Cutting 84

Gillian Einstein

Survival Advantage of the Hemochromatosis C282Y Mutation 98

Eugene D. Weinberg

Essay Reviews

Historical Fine-Mapping 144

Angela N. H. Creager

Understanding the Complexity of the U.S. Health Care System: Can Free-Market Ideology Respond to a Current Challenge? 149

William P. Gunnar

Surgically Shaping Children 261

Henri Wijsbek

Expanding Immunology: Defensive versus Ecological Perspectives 270

Alfred I. Tauber

Universal Health Insurance: Will It Control the Cost of U.S. Health Care? 285

William P. Gunnar [End Page 2]

Response to Dr. Gunnar 292

David F. Drake

When Less Is More in Public Health 479

Christopher Masi

The Natural History of the Sexual Genome: Proactive Drivers and Passive Drifters 484

John C. Avise

Babies by (Intelligent) Design? 629

Mary B. Mahowald

Integrating Evolution and Development: From Theory to Practice 636

Ehud Lamm and Eva Jablonka

Book Reviews

Medical Lives in the Age of Surgical Revolution 155

by M. Anne Crowther and Marguerite W. Dupree / reviewed by Solveig C. Robinson

How Doctors Think 158

by Jerome Groopman / reviewed by Michel Shamy and Ross Upshur

When Illness Goes Public: Celebrity Patients and How We Look at Medicine 295

by Barron H. Lerner / reviewed by John C. Bailar III

Children in Medical Research: Access versus Protection 299

by Lainie Friedman Ross / reviewed by Christopher Church and Raymond C. Barfield

Strange Harvest: Organ Transplants, Denatured Bodies, and the Transformed Self 302

by Lesley A.A. Sharp / reviewed by Edward R. Garrity, Jr.

To Die Well: Your Right to Comfort, Calm and Choice in the Last Days of Life 304

by Sidney Wanzer and Joseph Glenmullen / reviewed by Michael Marschke

The Intelligibility of Nature: How Science Makes Sense of the World 309

by Peter Dear / reviewed by Richard Olson

Culturing Life: How Cells Became Technologies 312

by Hannah Landecker / reviewed by Henning Schmidgen

Contagious: Cultures, Carriers, and the Outbreak Narrative 648

by Priscilla Wald / reviewed by Elinor L. Baron

Laws of Men and Laws of Nature: The History of Scientific Expert Testimony in England and America 650

by Tal Golan / reviewed by William P. Gunnar [End Page 3]

Elizabeth Blackburn and the Story of Telomeres: Deciphering the Ends of DNA 655

by Catherine Brady / reviewed by Jane Maienschein

Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization 658

by Lester R. Brown / reviewed by Theodore L. Steck

Searching Eyes: Privacy, the State, and Disease Surveillance in America 660

by Amy L. Fairchild, Ronald Bayer, and James Colgrove / reviewed by Peter Tuteur

New Technologies and Medical Education

Edited by Morton Arnsdorf

New Technologies and Medical Education: Introduction 1

Morton Arnsdorf


