In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Folklore, Fable, Fairy Tale, Myth, and Storytelling
Barchilon, Jacques. "Children and War in the Fairy Tale." Merveilles & Contes 7.2 (December 1993): 317-39. Discusses war and related violence, whether overt, defused, or displaced, in selected fairy tales, C.S. Lewis, Robert Grotsch (1922), Bernard Benson (1980), and Tolstoy. G.A.
Cai, Mingshul. "Folks, Friends and Foes: Relationships between Humans and Animals in Some Eastern and Western Folktales." Children's Literature in Education 24.2 (June 1993): 73-83. The relations of humans to animals (friends and foes) and the response to nature and supernature. G.A.
Collado, Marian García. "Le conte entre l'oral, le representé et l'écrit. L'histoire Jean de l'Ours." Merveilles & Contes 7.2 (December 1993): 341-81. Traces the evolution of the story of the boy who is either the son of a bear or suckled by a bear from oral versions to written French and Spanish versions of Valentine and Orson, one in the Bibliothèque Bleue, one by Lope de Vega. G.A.
Conniff, Richard. "Easter Island Unveiled." National Geographic 183.3 (March 1993): 56-78. Tales in the oral tradition are alive on Easter Island when old Amelia and her great-granddaughter play cat's cradle, looping string on their fingers and chanting the stories the patterns illustrate, such as how the most beautiful woman on the island used to be chosen at a marriage feast. C.L.
Crago, Martha B., Betsy Annahatak, and Lizzie Ningiuruvik. "Changing Patterns of Language Socialization in Inuit Homes." Anthropology and Education Quarterly 24.3 (1993) 205-23. Elderly Inuit women of Northern Quebec say that the custom of chanting rhythmical, affectionate verses to babies-aquasiit-is dying out. Each child-adult pair had its own words or nonsense words, repeated and loved by all. C.L. [End Page 81]
de Vos, Gail. Storytelling for Young Adults: Techniques and Treasury. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1991. 169 p. $24.50. ISBN 0-87287-832-5. Not seen. Review Alice Casey Smith, JOYS 5.2 (Winter 1992): 197. Intended for librarians, teachers, and storytellers. 60 page annotated bibliography of stories is especially helpful. "Fills a void." G.A.
Haase, Donald. "Yours, Mine, or Ours? Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, and the Ownership of Fairy Tales." Merveilles & Contes 7.2 (December 1993): 383-402. Looks at the nationalistic view of folklore (Disney's copyrighted versions) and the universalist view (Bettelheim et al). G.A.
Hearne, Betsy. "Cite the Source: Reducing Cultural Chaos in Picture Books." Part I, School Library Journal 39.7 (July 1993): 22-27; Part II, 39.8 (August 1993): 3337. Picture book versions of folktales should include source notes; the relationship of oral tradition to written documents and cultural authority. K.P.
Hess, Kathleen. "The Bittersweet Vine: Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes." Mythlore 72, 19.2 (Spring 1993): 54-56, 60. A contrast between Perrault and the darker "original versions" of fairy tales taken from Bettelheim (!), followed by the "hidden truths" of nursery rhymes like "London Bridge" and "Ring-a-Roses." Naive. G.A.
Koplowitz, Bradford. "The Doris Duke Indian Oral History Projects." Popular Culture in Libraries 1.3 (1993): 23-38. Initiated in 1966 and supported until 1972 by Duke, these archives are little known but a valuable resource. Includes history, methodology, contents, and impact state by state (7 states). Illus. with photos including children. G.A.
Lurie, Alison, ed. The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. 455 p. ISBN 0-192142186. Not seen. Review Marina Warner, "The Flavour of Utopia," Times Literary Supplement 30 July 1993: 7.41 tales from North American and British writers, ranging from Catherine Sinclair (1839) to Louise Erdrich (1989), that develop the idea of the genre as a social parable. "Rather perfunctory" introduction. G.A.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. Peace Tales: World Folktales to Talk About. Hamden, CT: Shoestring/Linnet Bks., 1992. 116 p. paper, $13.95. 0-208-0232901. G.A.
McGlathery, James M. Fairy Tale Romance: The Grimms, Basile, and Perrault. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1991. Essay review Gary D. Schmidt, "The Dimensions of Fairy Tale Romance," Children's Literature Association Quarterly 17.4 (Winter 1992-1993): 44-45. McGlathery examines sexual...

