In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Eve Bertelsen is an associate professor at The University of Cape Town in South Africa. She is the Editor of Critical Arts, a cultural studies journal, and has published a book and numerous articles on Lessing.

William Burke, associate professor of English at Northern Arizona University, has published on Flannery O'Connor and T. S. Eliot. He is currently working on Irony in O'Connor.

David Heddendorf is an assistant professor at Iowa State University. He has published articles on William James and Melville and is currently working on a book entitled William James and Literary Experience.

Elliot Malamet, assistant professor of English at the University of Toronto, has articles forthcoming on Graham Greene and Raymond Carver.

Madeleine Sorapure is a lecturer at The University of California—Santa Barbara. She has published articles on Ina Rousseau and Calvino and is presently working on contemporary South African Fiction.

Melissa Watts a graduate student at Wisconsin, is making her publishing debut in Modern Fiction Studies. [End Page 646]


