In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Agosín, Marjorie, ed. Writing Towards Hope: The Literature of Human Rights in Latin America. New Haven: Yale UP, 2007.
Arias, Arturo. Taking Their Word: Literature and the Signs of Central America. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2007.
Childers, William. Transnational Cervantes. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2006.
Díez de Revenga, Francisco Javier. Gerardo Diego en su raíces estéticas. Valladolid: U de Valladolid, 2006.
Echávez-Solano, Nelsy, and Kenya C. Dworkin y Méndez, eds. Spanish and Empire. Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt UP, 2007.
Epps, Brad and Luis Fernández Cifuentes, eds. Spain Beyond Spain: Modernity, Literary History, and National Identity. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2005.
Galdós, Benito Pérez. Misericordia. Trad. and ed. Robert Russell. Isidora: Revista de estudios galdosianos 3 (2007).
González, Aníbal. A Companion to Spanish American Modernismo. Woodbridge, UK: Tamesis, 2007.
Graf, Eric Clifford. Cervantes and Modernity: Four Essays on Don Quijote. Lewisburg: Bucknell, 2007.
Hart, Stephen M. A Companion to Latin American Literature. 1999. Suffolk, UK: Tamesis, 2007.
Henseler Christine, and Randolph D. Pope, eds. Generatioin X Rocks: Contemporary Peninsular Fiction, Film, and Rock Culture. Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt UP, 2007.
Herrero-Olaizola, Alejandro. The Censorship Files: Latin American Writers and Franco’s Spain. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007.
Jiménez, Juan Ramón. Platero and I/Platero y yo: A Dual-Language Book. Ed. and trans. Stanley Appelbaum. New York: Dover, 2004.
Kim, Yeon-Soo. The Family Album: Histories, Subjectivities, and Immigration in Contemporary Spanish Culture. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2005.
Kirk, Stephanie L. Convent Life in Colonial Mexico: A Tale of Two Communities. Gainsville: UP of Florida, 2007.
Lee, Christina H., ed. Los mártires de Japón. By Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta, 2006.
Machado, Antonio. Cuadernos de Literatura. Vol. 9. Eds. Rafael Alarcón, Pablo del Barco, y Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Fundación Unicaja, 2006. [End Page 436]
Machado, Antonio. Textos profesionales. Vol. 7. Eds. Rafael Alarcón, Pablo del Barco, y Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Fundación Unicaja, 2006.
Machado, Antonio. Poemas inéditos. Vol. 0. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Fundación Unicaja, 2005.
Machado, Manuel y Antonio. Epistolario y Teatro. Vol. 6. Eds. Rafael Alarcón Sierra, Pablo del Barco, y Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Fundación Unicaja, 2006.
Magalhães, Gabriel, coord. Relipes: Relações linguísticas e literárias entre Portugal e Espanha desde o início do século XIX até à actualidade. Interreg III A. Salamanca: Celya, n.d.
Marr, Matthew J. Postmodern Metapoetry and the Replenishment of the Spanish Lyrical Genre, 1980–2000. Fife, Scotland: La Sirena, 2007.
Moreno-Nuño, Carmen. Las huellas de la Guerra Civil: Mito y trauma en la narrativa de la España democrática. Madrid: Ediciones Libertarias, 2006.
Nericcio, William Anthony. Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the “Mexican” in America. Austin: U of Texas P, 2007.
Número especial sobre los humanos y el ambiente. Spec. issue of Atenea 26.1 (2006).
Ortiz, Ricardo L. Cultural Erotics in Cuban America. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2007.
de Paco, Mariano y Franciso Javier Díez de Revenga, eds. Jacinto Benavente en el teatro español. Fundación Cajamurcia, 2005.
Rodríguez-Hernández, Raúl. Mexico’s Ruins: Juan García Ponce and the Writing of Modernity. Albany: State U of New York P, 2007.
Soufas, Christopher C. The Subject in Question: Early Contemporary Spanish Literature and Modernism. The Catholic U of America P: Washington, D.C., 2007.
Wagschal, Steven. The Literature of Jealousy in the Age of Cervantes. Columbia, Missouri: U of Missouri P, 2006.
Wilson, Jason. Jorge Luis Borges. Critical Lives. London: Reaktion, 2006. [End Page 437]

