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Journal of the History of Ideas 68.4 (2007) 727-729

Index To Volume 68

Adams, John, see O'Neill

ALTMAN, WILLIAM H. F., on Leo Strauss and German nihilism, 587–612

America, population groups in ancient, see Cogley

AMIDON, KEVIN S., on Carrie Chapman Catt and the politics of sex and race, 305–28

Annales Wormatienses, see Bachrach

ARMENTEROS, CAROLINA, on Joseph de Maistre, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and moral statistics, 107–30

BACHRACH, DAVID S., on the histories of Worms, ca. 1300, 187–206

Bentham, Jeremy, see Schwartzberg

BENTLEY, MICHAEL, on Stefan Collini's Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain, 375–79

Berkeley, George, see Carlin

Boileau, Nicolas, see Delehanty

Brentano, Franz, see Schaefer

CAINE, BARBARA, on Stefan Collini's Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain, 369–73

Cardinal Richelieu, see Thomson

CARLIN, LAURENCE, on Leibniz, Berkeley, and the science of happiness, 57–78

Catt, Carrie Chapman, see Amidon

Chronicon Wormatiensis, see Bachrach

COGLEY, RICHARD W., on the peopling of ancient America, 35–56

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, see Roy

Colet, John, see Lochman

Collini, Stefan, and Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain, see Bentley, Caine, English, Jennings, and Rodgers

COLLINI, STEFAN, response to Bentley, Caine, English, Jennings, and Rodgers, 395–405

Counter-Enlightenment, see Lestition; see Norton

DELEHANTY, ANN T., on John Dennis, Nicolas Boileau, and poetics, 233–53

D'ELIA, ANTHONY F., on Stefano Porcari's conspiracy against Pope Nicholas V, 207–31

Dennis, John, see Delehanty

Dictionary of the History of Ideas, The, see Parsons

Duperron, Anquetil, see Stuurman

ENGLISH, JAMES F., on Stefan Collini's Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain, 363–68

FROBERT, LUDOVIC, on Halévy's lectures on European socialism, 329–53

Godefroy, Théodore, see Thomson

Goguet, Antoine-Yves, see Wolloch

Haldane, Richard Burton, see Vincent

Halévy, Elie, see Frobert

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, see Roy

Hornius, Georg, see Weststeijn

Huxley, Julian, see Phillips [End Page 727]

JENNINGS, JEREMY, on the idea of luxury in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French political thought, 79–105

JENNINGS, JEREMY, Stefan Collini's Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain, 381–87

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, see Carlin

LESTITION, STEVEN, response to Robert E. Norton on the Counter-Enlightenment, 659–81

LOCHMAN, DANIEL T., on John Colet's reading of Dionysius's Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, 1–34

luxury debate, in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century France, see Jennings

de Maistre, Joseph, see Armenteros

MOYN, SAMUEL, introduction to interview with Pierre Rosanvallon, 701–2

von Neumann, John, see Rashid

New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, see Parsons

NORTON, ROBERT E., on the myth of the Counter-Enlightenment, 635–58

O'NEILL, DANIEL I., on John Adams, Mary Wollstonecraft, and the French Revolution, 451–76

PARSONS, JOTHAM, review of The Dictionary of the History of Ideas and the New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, 683–99

PHILLIPS, PAUL T., on Julian Huxley and evolutionary humanism, 613–33

Pope Nicholas V, see D'Elia

Porcari, Stefano, see D'Elia

RASHID, SALIM, on John von Neumann and scientific method, 501–27

RODGERS, DANIEL T., on Stefan Collini's Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain, 389–93

Rosanvallon, Pierre, see Moyn; see Sebastián

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, see Armenteros

ROY, AYON, on Hegel in Coleridge's Biographia Literaria, 279–304

SCHAEFER, RICHARD, on Franz Brentano and German Catholicism, 477–99

SCHWARTZBERG, MELISSA, on Jeremy Bentham on fallibility and infallibility, 563–85

SEBASTIÁN, JAVIER FERNÁNDEZ, interview with Pierre Rosanvallon, 703–15

Strauss, Leo, see Altman

STUURMAN, SIEP, on Anquetil Duperron on India and America, 255–78

THOMSON, ERIK, on Théodore Godefroy and Cardinal Richelieu, 407–27

Venn, John, see Wall

VINCENT, ANDREW, on Richard Burton Haldane, German philosophy, and British public policy, 157–79

Vossius, Isaac, see Weststeijn

WALL, BYRON E., on John Venn, James Ward, and mental philosophy and logic at Cambridge, 131–55 [End Page 728]

Ward, James, see Wall

WESTSTEIJN, THIJS, on Isaac Vossius's and Georg Hornius's debate on Chinese culture, 537–61

WOLLOCH, NATHANIEL, on Antoine-Yves Goguet's historiography, 429–49

Wollstonecraft, Mary, see O'Neill


