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  • Book Reviews / Recensions de livres (July/juillet 2007)

Book reviews published in association with the July 2007 issue, Vol. 49, no. 3. See <>.

Pour les recensions de livres publiées en association avec la Revue de juillet 2007, Volume 49, numéro 3, voir <>.

Adolescent Crime: Individual Differences and Lifestyles. By Per-Olof H. Wikstrom and David A. Butterworth. Portland, OR: Willan Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Lee Michael Johnson, University of West Georgia.
Ageing, Crime and Society. Edited by Azrini Wahidin and Maureen Cain. Portland, OR: Willan Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Victoria B. Titterington, Sam Houston State University.
Criminal Investigation: In Search of the Truth. Edited by Bill Van Allen. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education Canada. 2007. Reviewed by Rachid Kerkab, Federal Public Service Home Affairs, Directorate General Security and Prevention.
Criminal Justice Masterworks: A History of Ideas about Crime, Law, Police, and Corrections. By Robert Panzarella and Daniel Vona. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. 2006. Reviewed by Jennifer L. Schulenberg, Sam Houston State University.
Delayed Prosecution for Childhood Sexual Abuse. By Penney Lewis. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2006. Reviewed by Judith M. Masson, University of Bristol. [End Page 423]
Desisting from Crime Continuity and Change in Long-Term Crime Patterns of Serious Chronic Offenders. Par Michael E. Ezell et Lawrence E. Cohen. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2005. Recension faite par Gilles Renaud, Ontario Court of Justice.
Football Hooliganism. By Steve Frosdick and Peter Marsh. Portland, OR: Willan Publishing. 2005. Reviewed by Gilles Renaud, Ontario Court of Justice.
Fraud. By Alan Doig. Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Gilles Renaud, Ontario Court of Justice.
Frontier Justice: A History of the Gulf Country to 1900. By Tony Roberts. St. Lucia, QLD: University of Queensland Press. 2005. Reviewed by Gilles Renaud, Ontario Court of Justice.
Justice for Young Offenders: Their Needs, Our Responses. By Mary E. Vandergoot. Saskatoon, SK: Purich Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Carla Cesaroni, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Murder: Social and Historical Approaches to Understanding Murder and Murderers. By Shani D'Cruze, Sandra Walklate, and Samantha Pegg. Portland, OR: Willan Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Eric L. Grommon, Michigan State University.
Native Americans and the Criminal Justice System. Edited by Jeffrey I. Ross and Larry Gould. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. 2006. Reviewed by Clayton Mosher, Washington State University Vancouver.
Normes et pratiques en matière de renseignement criminel. Une comparaison internationale. Par Frédéric Lemieux (avec la participation de Sophie Allard). Québec, QC: Les Presses de l'Université Laval. 2006. Recension faite par Vincent Seron, Université de Liège.
Northern Connection: Inside Canada's Deadliest Mafia Family. By Peter Edwards. Montreal, QC: Optimum Publishing International. 2006. Reviewed by Stephen Schneider, Saint Mary's University. [End Page 424]
Penal Populism. By John Pratt. New York, NY: Routledge. 2007. Reviewed by Gilles Renaud, Ontario Court of Justice.
The "Place" of Justice. Edited by the Law Commission of Canada. Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Deirdre M. Warren, Sam Houston State University.
Race and Probation. Edited by Sam Lewis, Peter Raynor, David Smith and Ali Wardak. Portland, OR: Willan Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Sarah Turnbull, University of Toronto.
Satanic Purses: Money, Myth and Misinformation in the War on Terror. Par Robin T. Naylor. Montréal, QC: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2006. Recension faite par Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet, Université de Montréal.
Schools and the Problem of Crime. Edited by Stephen Boxford. Devon, UK: Willan Publishing. 2006. Reviewed by Carrie M. Butler, Sam Houston State University.
Secure and Tranquil Travel: Preventing Crime and Disorder on Public Transport. Edited by Martha J. Smith and Derek B. Cornish. London, UK: UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London. 2006. Reviewed by Patrick F. Parnaby, University of Guelph.
Sex Crimes Investigation: Catching and Prosecuting the Perpetrators. By Robert L. Snow. Westport, CT: Praeger. 2006. Reviewed by Patrick N. McGrain, DeSales University.
Understanding Political Violence: A Criminological Analysis. By Vincenzo Ruggiero. New York: Open University Press. 2006. By Gilles Renaud, Ontario Court of Justice.
Understanding Political Violence: A Criminological Analysis. By Vincenzo Ruggiero. New York: Open University Press. 2006. Reviewed by Temitope...

