
The aims of this paper are to examine and rethink various approaches, old and new, taken by Western scholars toward Neohellenism and to put forward a new approach that highlights the complexities and richness of Greek culture. I first outline the two dominant approaches to modern Greek culture in the West, which can be defined by their reliance on the notions of continuity and binary logic respectively. I then proceed by suggesting a new approach to Neohellenism based on the notions of cultural hybridity and dialogue, illustrated with reference to painters such as Kontoglou and Engonopoulos, and writers such as Solomos, Vizyenos, Cavafy, and Kazantzakis who best represent this dialogic conception of Neohellenism. Ultimately I hope that the presentation and study of Neohellensim as a rich syncretic phenomenon will make it more attractive to scholars and render easy classifications less acceptable.

