In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodicals List

ACARM newsletter

Accounting, business and financial history

Acquisitions librarian

Acta sociologica

Acta tropica

Adelphi papers

Africa insight


Africa (Istituto Italo-Africano)

Africa development

Africa quarterly

Africa renewal

Africa today

African affairs

African archaeological review

African development review

African ecclesial review

African economic history

African finance journal

African geopolitics

African health sciences

African human rights law journal

African identities

African journal of AIDS research

African journal of health sciences

African journal of library archive and information science

African journal of reproductive health

African journal of zoology

African journal on conflict resolution

African notes: journal of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan

African renaissance

African research and documentation

African security review

African sociological review

African studies quarterly

African studies review

African study monographs

Africana bulletin

Afrika Spectrum

Afrika und Übersee

Afrique contemporaine

Afrique et histoire

Agricultural economics

Agricultural history

Ahfad journal

AICMAR bulletin

AIDS care




American anthropologist

American behavioral scientist

American economic review

American ethnologist

American historical review

American journal of agricultural economics

American journal of international law

American journal of Islamic social sciences

American journal of physical anthropology

American political science review

Anglican and episcopal history

Anglican theological review


Annales: histoire, sciences sociales

Annals of Bornu

Annals of human biology

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Scientists

Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Annals of tourism research

Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology [End Page xviii]

Annuaire de l' Afrique du Nord

Anthropological linguistics

Anthropological quarterly


Anthropology and humanism

Anthropology and medicine





Applied economics

Applied financial economics

Applied geography

Applied linguistics

Arab studies quarterly

Arab world geographer

Arabic and middle eastern literatures


Archiv Orientalni

Archival science

Archives de sciences sociales des religions

Archives of natural history


Arid land research and management


Armed forces and society

ASAUK Newsletter

Asia journal of theology

Asian and African Studies

Asian journal of Pentecostal studies

Atlantic studies

Australasian review of African studies

Australian journal of international affairs

Australian journal of political science


Biodiversity and conservation



Biological conservation

Biomass and bioenergy

Black theology

British journal for the history of science

British journal of criminology

British journal of Middle Eastern studies

British journal of political science

British journal of sociology of education

Bulletin de la Société d' archéologie Copte

Bulletin of economic research

Bulletin of science, technology and society

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d' Anthropologie de Paris

Cahiers africains d' administration publique

Cahiers d'études africaines

Cambridge anthropology

Cambridge journal of economics

Cambridge quarterly

Cambridge review of international affairs

Canadian journal of African studies

Canadian journal of development studies

Cartographica Helvetica

Central European history

Child abuse and neglect


Church history


Civil wars


Climatic change



Commonwealth and comparative politics

Commonwealth youth and development

Commonwealth: essays and studies

Community development journal

Comparative and international law journal of Southern Africa

Comparative education

Comparative education review

Comparative political studies

Comparative sociology

Comparative studies in society and history

Compare: a journal of comparative education [End Page xix]

Conflict, security and development


Contemporary British history

Contemporary economic policy

Contemporary European history

Contemporary politics

Contemporary security policy

Cooperation & conflict

Crime, law and social change

Critique of anthropology

Critique: critical middle eastern studies

Cross cultural research

Cultural anthropology

Cultural studies

Culture and organization

Culture and religion

Culture medicine and psychiatry

Current anthropology

Current history


DASP Reihe

Democracy and development



Development and change

Development in practice

Development policy review

Development Southern Africa

Development: the journal of the Society for International Development

Diplomacy and statecraft

Diplomatic history

Disability and society


Diversity and distributions

Early child development and care

East African journal of peace and human rights

East African medical journal

Eastern African journal of rural development

Economic and industrial democracy

Economic development and cultural change

Economic geography

Economic history review

Economic journal

Economics & politics

Economics of transition

Économies et sociétiés

Economy & society

Ecumenical review

Education for health

Education libraries journal

Educational research

Eighteenth century studies

Electoral studies

Encounter: documents for Muslim-Christian understanding

Energy policy

English historical review

English in Africa

English journal

English studies in...

