In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • An Editors' Comment on "Lessons from the JMCB Archive" by B.D. McCullough, Kerry Anne McGeary, and Teresa D. Harrison
  • Pok-sang Lam, Deborah Lucas, Masao Ogaki, and Kenneth D. West

In this issue, we published "Lessons from the JMCB Archive" by B.D. McCullough, Kerry Anne McGeary, and Teresa D. Harrison. The authors made many suggestions to improve the JMCB Data Archive policy. We thank the authors for their suggestions even though we do not agree with all arguments made by the authors. Since January 2005, the JMCB research assistants have been replicating some of the results from the JMCB Archive for the purpose of helping the Editors to evaluate various methods to improve the policy. So far, we have adopted the following new procedure:

We will continue to consider other methods to improve our Archive policy. [End Page 1109]


