In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Kate Bernheimer is the author of a novel based on German, Russian, and Yiddish fairy tales, The Complete Tales of Ketzia Gold (2002) and editor of an essay collection, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Women Writers Explore Their Favorite Fairy Tales (1998). She is editing a new essay collection, Brothers & Beasts: An Anthology of Men on Fairy Tales, and has completed a second novel, The Complete Tales of Merry Gold. In spring 2005 she will be teaching in the University of Massachusetts MFA Program for Poets and Writers.

Ruth B. Bottigheimer teaches Comparative Literature at Stony Brook University. Her recent book, Fairy Godfather: Straparola, Venice, and the Fairy Tale Tradition (2002), explores the origins of European fairy tales.

Anne E. Duggan is Assistant Professor of French at Wayne State University. She has published on early modern women writers and fairy tales. Her forthcoming book is entitled Salonnières, Furies, and Fairies: The Politics of Gender and Cultural Change in Absolutist France.

Elizabeth Wanning Harries is Helen and Laura Shedd Professor of Modern Languages at Smith College, where she teaches English and Comparative Literature. Her most recent book, Twice upon a Time: Women Writers and the History of the Fairy Tale (2001), has recently been reissued in paperback.

Mark A. Heberle is Professor of English at the University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa, where he teaches courses on Renaissance literature and on Vietnam and other literatures of war. He has published articles on child characters in Shakespeare and has most recently given presentations on Tolkien at three conferences that dealt with children’s literature and children in warfare.

Kathryn A. Hoffmann is Professor in the Department of Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas at the University of Hawai’i, Mānoa, where she teaches courses in marvel, freakery, and seventeenth-century French literature. Her book Society of Pleasures (1997) was awarded a Jeanne and Aldo Scaglione Prize. She is writing books on the monstrous feminine and on anatomical displays.

Judith Kellogg is a Professor at the University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa, specializing in Medieval Literature. Since the publication of her book Medieval Artistry and Exchange (1990), her publications have focused on the works of Christine de Pizan and on text and image issues in recent retellings of Arthurian legend.

Bérénice Virginie Le Marchand is Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (French program). She received her PhD in May 2004 from Vanderbilt University. Her work focuses on medieval and early modern French literature and culture.

Jennifer Schacker teaches in the School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada) and is author of National Dreams: The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-Century England (2003). She received her PhD in folklore from Indiana University.

Lewis C. Seifert is an Associate Professor of French Studies at Brown University and the author of Fairy Tales, Sexuality, and Gender in France, 1690–1715: Nostalgic Utopias (1996). He is completing a book about marginal masculinities in seventeenth-century France. He has also begun a study of literary adaptations of oral traditions in French and Francophone literature.

Melanie R. Siemens graduated from Vanderbilt University with honors in English and French. She was awarded a Vanderbilt Summer Research Grant to assist with the preparation of this special issue of Marvels & Tales.

Allison Stedman teaches early modern French literature and Italian at Bucknell University. Her current book project is entitled “Par les graces de la nouveauté”: The Novel/Fairy-Tale Hybrid and the Dawn of the French Enlightenment.

Janferie Stone is a PhD candidate in Native American Studies at the University of California, Davis. Her dissertation explores the currency of tales of Nawalism—shape-shifting into an animal other, particularly of the betraying wife—during the period of the Guatemalan genocide.

Holly Tucker is Associate Professor in the Department of French and Italian and an affiliated faculty member of Women’s Studies at Vanderbilt University. She is the author of Pregnant Fictions: Childbirth and the Fairy Tale in Early-Modern France (2003).


