- Contributors
Barry Allen is Professor of Philosophy at McMaster University. He is the author of Truth in Philosophy (Harvard UP, 1993) and Knowledge and Civilization (Westview, 2004), and an Associate Editor of the interdisciplinary journal Common Knowledge.
Elizabeth R. Baer serves as Professor of English at Gustavus Adolphus College, where she holds the Florence and Raymond Sponberg Chair of Ethics. Besides her most recent book, Experience and Expression: Women, the Holocaust, and the Third Reich (reviewed in this issue), she is the co-editor, with Hester Baer, of the first English edition of The Blessed Abyss: Inmate #6582 in Ravensbrück Concentration Camp for Women, a memoir by Nanda Herbermann (Wayne State UP, 2000). During Fall 2004, Dr. Baer was the Ida E. King Distinguished Visiting Scholar of Holocaust Studies at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
Katie E. Cherry is the Emogene Pliner Distinguished Professor of Aging Studies at Louisiana State University. She is a Professor of Psychology and also the Director of the LSU Life Course and Aging Center.
Geoffrey Cocks is Julian S. Rammelkamp Professor of History at Albion College. His most recent book is The Wolf at the Door: Stanley Kubrick, History, and the Holocaust (Peter Lang, 2004).
Norma Clarke is Senior Lecturer in English at Kingston University, England, and the author of Dr Johnson's Women (Hambledon & London, 2000). Her most recent book is The Rise and Fall of the Woman of Letters (Pimlico Original, 2004).
Ruth Dawson, Professor of Women's Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, is the author of The Contested Quill: Literature by Women in Germany, 1770-1800 (Delaware UP, 2002). She is currently working on a study of eighteenth-century representations of Catherine the Great outside of Russia.
Karin Doerr teaches German, and Women and Genocide, at Concordia University, where she is also an Associate of the Montreal Institute for Genocide Studies, the Canadian Centre for Jewish Studies, and the Simone de Beauvoir Institute for Women Studies. She is a consultant and editor to the [End Page 685] Women and the Holocaust web site, and has published and researched extensively on literary responses to the Shoah, women's Holocaust experiences, anti-Semitism in German literature, teaching the Holocaust, and language use in the Third Reich. She is the co-author of Nazi Deutsch/Nazi German: An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich (Greenwood, 2002).
Lynn Domina is the author of a collection of poetry, Corporal Works (Four Way, 1998) and a reference book, Understanding a Raisin in the Sun (Greenwood, 1998), and has published on Zora Neale Hurston, Mary McCarthy, Elizabeth Keckley, N. Scott Momaday, and other writers. She teaches at the State University of New York at Delhi.
Helke Dreier studied history and political science at the University of Kas-sel, with a focus on the theory and practice of political acting and the work of Friedrich Carl von Moser. She works at the Institute for Peace and Democracy Research at the University for Distant Learning in Hagen. Her primary research interests include history of the early modern age, historical gender studies, and historical peace research.
Jonathan Dresner is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo. His primary research is on Meiji-era (1858-1912) Japanese local history, and Japanese migration in the modern era.
Susan Friedman teaches "Expository Writing through Life-Writing" at the University of South Florida. Her current project concerns first-person narratives about sexual assault and critical illness.
Marie-Christine Garneau is Associate Professor of French Literature in the Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature of Europe and the Americas at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.
Jay Geller teaches courses on the Shoah, Central European Jewish culture, and religious autobiography at Vanderbilt Divinity School. He edited a special issue of American Imago (Fall 2002) on "Postmemories of the Holocaust."
Jennifer Green-Lewis is Associate Professor of English at George Washington University, where she teaches courses in nineteenth and early twentieth century British literature and visual culture. She is the author of Framing the Victorians: Photography and the Culture of Realism (Cornell UP, 1996), as well as numerous articles on...