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The Catholic Historical Review 90.2 (2004) 384-398

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Periodical Literature


Wandel im Verständnis von Schisma und Union. Von Bischof Cyprian von Karthago bis ins 20. Jh. Ernst Chr. Suttner. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 69 (2, 2003), 267-285.

Die Rolle der Textkritik im ersten jahrtausend der Geschichte des kanonischen Rechts. Peter Landau. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 34 (1, 2002), 1-15.

I Gesuiti come pacificatori in età moderna: dalle guerre di frontiera nel Nuovo Mondo americano alle lotte fazionarie nell'Europa mediterranea. Paolo Broggio. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, XXXIX (2, 2003), 249-290.

El Rosario en España y América a través de bulas pontificias del siglo XVI. Vito-Tomás Gómez García, O.P. Teología Espiritual, XLVII (May-Aug., 2003), 223-247.

La Curie romaine et le gouvernement de l'Église (1850-1914) dans l'historiographie française depuis 1950. François Jankowiak. Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento, XC (Apr.-June, 2003), 196-225.

El cónclave de Juan XXIII. Luis Marín de San Martín, OSA. Religión y Cultura, XLIX (July-Sept., 2003), 543-568.

Mons. Michele Maccarrone e la scuola storica lateranense. Mario Sensi. Lateranum, LXIX (2, 2003), 343-400.


Archaeologies and Agendas: Reflections on Late Ancient Jewish Art and Early Christian Art. Jas Elsner. Journal of Roman Studies, XCIII (2003), 114-128.

Christ-Bearers and Fellow-Initiates: Local Cultural Life and Christian Identity in Ignatius' Letters. Philip A. Harland. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 11 (Winter, 2003), 481-499.

Los orígenes del Cristianismo en Egipto a la luz de los papiros del Nuevo Testamento y otros escritos de los siglos II y III. Jorge Juan Fernández Sangrador. Studium Ovetense, XXX (2002), 309-322. [End Page 384]

Judicial Nightmares and Christian Memory. Brent D. Shaw. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 11 (Winter, 2003), 533-563.

Discipline and Diet: Feeding the Martyrs in Roman Carthage. Andrew McGowan. Havard Theological Review, 96 (Oct., 2003), 455-476.

Catechumenate and Contra-Culture: The Social Process of Catechumenate in Third-Century Africa and its Development. Alistair Stewart-Sykes. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 147 (3-4, 2003), 289-306.

La 'Passion' des Martyrs d'Abitina: remarques sur l'éstablissement du texte. François Dolbeau. Analecta Bollandiana, 121 (Dec., 2003), 273-296.

The vision of Constantine. Peter Weiss. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 16 (2003), 237-259.

The Reception of the Ecumenical Councils in the Early Church. Bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Podolsk. St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 147 (3-4, 2003), 413-430.

Litteratulus christianus. Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen zum Bildungsgrad der antiken Christen. Hans Reinhard Seeliger. Theologische Quartalschrift, 183 (4, 2003), 297-334.

Ritual Kissing, Heresy and the Emergence of Early Christian Orthodoxy. Michael Penn.Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 54 (Oct., 2003), 625-640.

Torture and truth in late antique martyrology. Lucy Grig. Early Medieval Europe, 11 (4, 2002), 321-336.

Jerome's Vita Hilarionis: a Rhetorical Analysis of its Structure. Pazemyslaw Nehring. Augustinianum, XLIII (Dec., 2003), 417-434.

La presenza di Vittricio di Rouen nell'opera di Paolino di Nola. Dal De Laude Sanctorum all'Epist. 18 e ai Carmm. 17 e 19. Guiseppe Guttilla. Augustinianum, XLIII (Dec., 2003), 453-471.

Il Molise paleocristiano dalle origini a Gregorio Magno. Giovanni Nigro. Vetera Christianorum, 40 (1, 2003), 93-116.

Fronto, the bishops, and the crowd: Episcopal justice and communal violence in fifth-century Tarraconensis. Michael Kulikowski. Early Medieval Europe, 11 (4, 2002), 295-320.

Totila come perfidus rex tra storia e agiografia. Laura Carnevale. Vetera Christianorum, 40 (1, 2003), 43-69.

Making It Our Own: Reflections on Gregory the Great's Life and Miracles of Saint Benedict—Saint Benedict's Final Miracle. Ileana M. Porras. Cistercian studies quarterly, 39 (1, 2004), 3-30.

Who Wrote the Dialogues of Saint Gregory? A Report on a Controversy. Terrence G. Kardong. Cistercian studies quarterly, 39 (1, 2004), 31-39. [End Page 385]

'Aremorica novitas'? Colombano e Gregorio Magno sullo sfondo di grandi tradizioni. Lellia and Giorgio Cracco. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, XXXIX (2, 2003), 201-226.


Wo bleibt der Mensch? Das Dilemma der Typologisierung des Sujets in...

