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  • Oblique Sensorial Savagery *
  • Will Alexander (bio)

Will Alexander, Poet and Essayist: A Special Section

You are green with gainful hair trigger plumage with pangs of ice to fathom like a rookery of seas totemic with abstract coffin powder

& so your savagery under power of perpetual connivance blinding with censure with rude fascistic bottlebrush criteria

which keeps the-subconscious ingrown the angelic dharma darkened

your red hair curling like voluptuous cobras under fire like tungsten candles like flares & chemical Bedouin rubies

every savage green dawn your stinging gecko bracelets as if you had sundered whales with your steps as if under the thorns of the moon you had sent up a plastique of cherries those emerald mongoose auras those living stochastic fan worms seeking to cover torrential spillage from your navel [End Page 376]

as if under the heated whip of day I would switch your voltage to pluperfect intrigue to a deeply lined mascara to hot Babylonian salamander gardens watching you amble through greenish sodium flames making molten rise & fall turning the far flung poles into vapour

in this psychic Shan-gri-La my jealousy generates your copulation with tigers because one can never measure the dangerous impact of your skull on fire with pen-ultimate transparency

I witness your chunks of flesh on swirling turpentine carpets in hell tossing back & forth the pressure of sting rays the disdainful panic fused in bleak omega laundries

your moonless hormone slaver like darkened signals like glazed tornado herrings like blank leukemia invective

from tragic tables of skin I glimpse your glowing morphine copper your tense Cambodian chemise always implying meteorites & osmosis always cooking in your nostrils a wayward blend of hot photinos & selvas

Will Alexander

Will Alexander is the author of six books, including Asia & Haiti, The Stratospheric Canticles, and Towards the Primeval Lightning Field. Asia & Haiti was a PEN finalist in 1996. His more recent work has been published in Orpheus Grid, XCP, Fence, Chain, and Hambone.


* From Impulse & Nothingness (Sun & Moon Press, forthcomming, 2000). Reprinted by permission of the author.

