In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Annual Bibliography of Philip Roth Criticism and Resources—2012
  • Derek Parker Royal (bio)

What follows is a bibliography of Philip Roth-related texts published during 2012, including primary works by and interviews with Roth, critical works (books, book chapters, and journal essays), and doctoral dissertations. All entries will reflect the format as defined in the third edition of the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2008). With the exception of the interview listings, all sources are arranged in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name. The individual essays composing edited collections, and found in the “Book Chapters,” are cross-listed according to MLA style. All critical sources not published in English are listed under the section “Criticism in Foreign Languages.”

Digital book editions, such as those designed for Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes and Noble’s Nook readers, are not included in this listing. Given the recent growth in e-book technology, digital versions of Roth’s texts are becoming standard practice and are expected with each new publication. This being the case, none of these e-book versions are included in this bibliography. Readers and researchers can easily visit online booksellers to find digital editions.

Derek Parker Royal

Derek Parker Royal is the founder and executive editor of Philip Roth Studies, as well as the founder of the Philip Roth Society. His books include Philip Roth: New Perspectives on an American Author (Praeger, 2005), Philip Roth’s American Pastoral (Atlante, 2011, co-authored with Patrick Badonnel and Daniel Royot), Unfinalized Moments: Essays in the Development of Contemporary Jewish American Narrative (Purdue UP, 2011). He also has another book coming out from Purdue UP, Visualizing Jewish Narrative: Essays on Jewish Comics and Graphic Novels, and two from the UP of Mississippi: The Hernandez Brothers: Conversations and Coloring America: Multi-Ethnic Engagements in Recent Comics. He has guest edited eight different special issues of journals, covering topics such as Philip Roth’s later novels, contemporary Jewish narrative, multi-ethnic comics, superheroes and gender, politics and comics, and Woody Allen’s post-1990 films. His essays on American literature, comics, and film have appeared in a variety of edited book collections and scholarly journals.

Works by Roth

“An Open Letter to Wikipedia.” The New Yorker 7 Sep. 2012. Web. 2 June 2013. <>.
“Defender of the Faith.” The Oxford Book of American Short Stories, 2nd ed. Ed. Joyce Carol Oates. New York: Oxford UP, 2012. 546–76. Print.

Interviews and Speeches

(Arranged Chronologically)
“Living Literary Legend and Newark Native Philip Roth Looks Back as He Turns 79.” Interview with Amy Ellis Nutt. Newark Star-Ledger 18 Mar. 2012. Web. 2 June 2013. <>.
“Philip Roth: ‘Némésis sera mon dernier livre.’” Interview with Nelly Kaprielian. Les Inrockuptibles 7 Oct. 2012. Web. 2 June 2013. <>. An English translation of the [End Page 105] interview can be found at The Paris Review website: “In Which Philip Roth Announces His Retirement (in English).” 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 2 June 2013. <>.
“Goodbye, Frustration: Pen Put Aside, Roth Talks.” Interview with Charles McGrath. The New York Times 17 Nov. 2012. Web. 2 June 2013. <>.


Royal, Derek Parker. “Annual Bibliography of Philip Roth Criticism and Resources – 2011.” Philip Roth Studies 8.2 (2012): 227–34. Print.


Avishai, Bernard. Promiscuous: Portnoy’s Complaint and Our Doomed Pursuit of Happiness. New Haven: Yale UP, 2012. Print.
Kimmage, Michael. In History’s Grip: Philip Roth’s Newark Trilogy. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2012. Print.

Edited Collections

Pozorski, Aimee, ed. Roth and Celebrity. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2011. Print.

Special Issues of Journals

Gooblar, David, ed. Roth and Women. Spec. issue of Philip Roth Studies 8.1. (2012): 1–120. Print.

Book Chapters

Berman, Jeffrey. “‘With Autobiography There’s Always Antoerh Text, a Countertext’: Philip Roth and Patrimony.” Dying in Character: Memoirs on the End of Life. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 2012. 75–107. Print.
Bloom, James D. “Philip Roth’s Lover’s Quarrel.” Pozorski 29–45. Print.
Bruen, Matthew. “Setting a Place...
