Penn State University Press
  • “You are no stranger to me” Georgia O’Keeffe’s Fan Mail
Fig 1. This 1968 fan letter to Georgia O’Keeffe illustrates how O’Keeffe and her paintings circulated within white female culture throughout the twentieth century. The writer’s signature has been removed to protect her privacy. Fan Mail, Alfred Stieglitz / Georgia O’Keeffe Archive, Yale Collection of American Literature. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Fig 1.

This 1968 fan letter to Georgia O’Keeffe illustrates how O’Keeffe and her paintings circulated within white female culture throughout the twentieth century. The writer’s signature has been removed to protect her privacy. Fan Mail, Alfred Stieglitz / Georgia O’Keeffe Archive, Yale Collection of American Literature. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
