In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents of Volume XXIV Number 1, March 1981 H Acting it out": Sam Shepard's Action GERRY MCCARTHY The Tooth of Crime: Sam Shepard's Way with Music 13 BRUCE w. POWE The Troubled Flight of Tennessee Williams's Sweet Bird: From Manuscript through Published Texts 26 DItEWEY WAVNE GUNN The Duality of Power in the Theater of Luis Riaza 36 HAZEL CAZORLA Reality Perception and Stage Setting in Griselda Gambaro's Las paredes and Antonio Buero Vallejo's Lajundaci611 44 PETER L. PODOL The Role of the "Guardians" in T.S. Eliot's Cocktail Party 54 HILDEGARD HAMMERSCHMIDT Thematic Contexts in Four of Yeats's Plays 61 ANCA VLASOPOLOS Justice Breeds Murder: Justice in Diirrenmatt as Theme and as Theatrical Material 73 GABRIELLE ROBINSON Index Drama in the Netherlands 88 HANS VAN DEN BERGH Studies of Wale Soyinka's Drama: An International Bibliography 96 CHARLES A. CARPENTER BOOK REVIEWS BROWN , JANET, Feminist Drama: Definition and Critical Analysis by Rosemary Curb 102 OONAHUE, THOMAS JOHN. The Theatre ofFernando Arrabal: A Garden ofEarthly Delights by Bettina L. Knapp 104 WINKLER, ELIZABETH HALE, The Clown in Modern Anglo-Irish Drama by Arthur E. McGuinness 106 BRADLEY, ANTHONY. William Butler Yeats by Natalie Crohn Schmitt 107 W1SENTHAL, J.L. , ED., Shaw and Ibsen: Bernard Shaw's The Quinlessence ojlbsenism and Related Writings by Norma lenckes 108 MARTINE, JAMES 1., ED., Critical Essays on Arthur Miller by Leonard Moss 110 LONDR~. FELICIA HARDISON , Tennessee Williams by Maurice Yacowar 112 VOS, NELVIN, The Great Pelldulum ofBecoming: Images ill Modem Drama by June Schlueter 113 VALENCY, MAURICE, The End ofthe World: An Introduction to Contemporary Drama by Leonard C. Pronko 115 KING, KIMBALL, Twenty Modern British Playwrights: A Bibliography, 1956 to 1976, and KING, KIMBALL, Ten Modem Irish Playwrights: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography by Charles A. Carpenter 116 AYLING, RONALD AND MICHAEL 1. DURKAN, Sean O'Casey: A Bibliography, and KOPPER, EDWARD A., JR. , John Millington Synge: A Reference Guide by Charles A. Carpenter 119 CORMIER, RAMONA AND JANIS L. PALLISTER, Waiting/or Death: The Philosophical Significance ofBeckett's En attendant Godot, and BUSI, FREDERICK, The Trans/ormation 0/Godar by Kristin Morrison 121 Number 2. June 1981 Jean Genet Fifteen Years Later: An Interview with Roger Blin (paris, 14 October 1980) 127 JEANNETTE LAILLOU SAVONA Giraudoux's La Guerre de Troie n' aura pas lieu and Homer's Iliad: The Scales of Zeus as Dramatic Device 135 BRIAN POCKNELL Index Modem Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography t46 CHARLES A. CARPENTER BOOK REVIEWS ROLLINS, RONALD GENE, Sean O'Casey's Drama: Verisimilitude and Vision, and SMITH, B.L., O'Casey's Satiric Vision by Errol Durbach 234 WILDE, OSCAR, The Importance ofBeing Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People (ed. Russell Jackson) by Josepb Donohue 236 579 DARLOW, MICHAEL &: GILLIAN HODSON , Terence Rattigan: The Man and His Work by Susan Rusinko 238 CAHN, VICTOR t., Beyond Absurdity: The Plays a/Tom Stappord by Mariem Silverstein 240 SEGEL, HAROLD B.• Twentieth-Century Russian Drama: From Gorky to the Present by Daniel Gerould 242 HUNT, HUGH, The Abbey: Ireland's National Theatre 1904-1978 by Andrew Parkin 243 CHOTHIA, JEAN, Forging a Language: A Study a/the Plays ofEugene O'Neill by Linda Ben-Zvi 245 Number 3. September t98t Exiles, The Great God Brown. and the Specter of Nietzsche 25I LINDA BEN-ZVI Ethical Perversity in America: Some Observations on David Marnet's American Buffalo 270 JACK V. BARBERA 1.M. Synge on the Irish Dramatic Movement: An Unpublished Article 276 ANN SADDLEMYER Hauptmann's Hannele: Naturalistic Fairy Tale and Dream Play 282 DAVlO NICHOLSON The Politics of Brutality: Toward a Definition of the Critical VolksstOck 292 SUSAN L. COCALIS "Give o'er the play": Closure in Shakespeare's Hamlet and Pirandello's Six Characters in Search ofan Author 3I 4 NAOMI CONN LIEBLER 580 Index Shakespearean and Pirandellian: Hamlet and Six Characters in Search ofan Author 323 MAURICE CHARNEY Dramatists at (Meta)Play: Shakespeare's Hamlet, II, ii, II. 410-591 and Pirandello's Henry IV 330 JILL L. LEVENSON Madness, Revenge, and the Metaphor of the Theater in Shakespeare' s Hamlet and Pirandello's Henry IV 338 MATTHEW N. PROSER Opening Closure 353 TERENCE HAWKES...

