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PERIODICAL LITERATURE GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Chiesa cattoUca e santi: quale forma deU'intestazione? Mauro Guerrini. Accademie e Biblioteche dItalia, LXIII (July-Sept., 1995), 5-32. Eléments de topographie historique dans les Règles monastiques occidentales. Pierre Bonnerue. Studia Monástica, 37 (1, 1995), 57-77'. GIi ebrei a CagUa dal XIV al XIII secólo. Stefano Orazi. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia,XUX (July-Dec, 1995), 448-485. Resumen de artículos referentes a monjas clarisas, de la revista Archivo IberoAmericano . Magdalena Martínez Ruiz-Pacis.^4raWt>o Ibero-Americano, LVI (Jan.-June, 1996), 309-384. El Convento de San Francisco de Soria. Manuel Peña-García. Archivo IberoAmericano , LVI (Jan.-June, 1996), 429-446. Mixed Marriage Ln Historical Perspective. Demetrios J. Constantelos. Greek Orthodox Theological Review, 40 (3-4, 1995), 277-285. Une forme de concertation épiscopale au concUeVatican IL La"Conférence des vingt-deux" (1962 et 1963). Jan Grootaers. Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique , XCI (Jan.-Mar., 1996), 66-112. El Tesorero de la catedral altoaragonesa de Roda de Isábena. Francisco CastUlón Cortada. Revista de HistoriaJerónimo Zurita, 69-70 (1994), 7-37. Der HeUige Rock - Geschichte und Legende. FeUx Genn. Geist und Leben, 69 (May-June, 1996), 176-193. The Growth and Decline of the Population of CathoUc Nuns Cross-NationaUy, I96O-I99O: A Case of Secularization as Social Structural Change. Helen Rose Ebaughjon Lorence, andJanet Saltzman Chafetz.Journalfor the Scientific Study ofReligion, 35 Qune, 1996), 171-183. ANCIENT Il cristianesimo in Egitto. DaUe origini fino al costituirsi della Chiesa copta. Giovanni FUoramo. Humanitas, LI (Apr., 1996), 173-205. Petronio e i cristiani: aUusioni alVangelo di Marco nel Satyricorii Uaria RameLU. Aevum, LXX (Jan.-Apr, 1996), 75-80. 760 PERIODICAL UTERATURE761 'Women's ReUgion' and Second-Century Christianity. Paul McKechnie./owm«/ ofEcclesiastical History, 47 July, 1996), 409-431. The Piety of a Persecutor. James Rives. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 4 (Spring, 1996), 1-25. The De Mortalitate of Cyprian: Consolation and Context. J. H. D. Scourfield. Vigiliae Christianae,!- (Feb., 1996), 12-41. Constantine and the Ancient Cults of Rome: The Legal Evidence. John Curran. Greece & Rome, XLIII (Apr., 1996), 68-80. Dall'antigiudaismo aU'antisemitismo nel cristianesimo primitivo? Guy G. Stroumsa. Cristianesimo nella storia,XVll (Feb., 1996), 13-46. Considerazioni suUa topografía e le origini del cUnitero müanese 'ad martyres'. Marco Sannazaro. Aevum,VXH (Jan.-Apr., 1996), 81-111. Pagan Apologetics and Christian Intolerance in the Ages ofThemistius and Augustine . Clifford Ando. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 4 (Summer, 1996), 171-207. "Graeci Sacerdotes Ambrosianam Tenentes Sententiam". CostantinopoU neUa Coscienza deUa Chiesa Milanese. L'Esperienza Tardo Antica e i suoi Riflessi MedioevaU. Cesare Alzati. Byzantinische Forschungen, XXLI (L996), 231-260. SuUe date del Sínodo di LatopoUs e deUa morte di Pacomio. Alberto Camplani. Studia Monástica, 37 (1, 1995), 7-17. The MUitary Career of Martin of Tours. Timothy D. Barnes. Analecta Bollandiana ,ll4 (1-2, 1996), 25-32. History and Hagiography: The Passio of BasU of Ancyra as a Historical Source. H. C. Teitler. Vigiliae Christianae, L (Feb., 1996), 73-80. The Date of the Gothic CivU War and the Date of the Gothic Conversion. Noel Lenski. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 36 (Spring, 1995), 51-87. Sacred Bonding: Mothers and Daughters Ln Early Syriac Hagiography. Susan Ashbrook Harvey.Journal ofEarly Christian Studies, 4 (Spring, 1996), 27-56. The Bishop in theWestern Church of the Fifth Century.Jacques Fontaine. SeanchasArdMhacha , 16 (2, 1995), 1-21. The Man of God of Edessa, Bishop Rabbula, and the Urban Poor: Church and Society in the Fifth Century. Han H. W Drijvers.Journal ofEarly Christian Studies, 4 (Summer, 1996), 235-248. Topographie chrétienne d'Arras au VIe siècle: La Vita Vedasti et les données de l'archéologie. Pierre Leman. Revue du Nord—Archéologie, LXXVLL (No. 3L3,1995),L69-L84. 762PERIODICAL LITERATURE Das Kloster des Honoratus von Fundi und das Praetorium Speluncae. Bothüde Borck and Dieter von der Nahmer. Studi Medievali, XXXVI (Dec, 1995), 617-656. MEDIEVAL Bischofs- und Papstwahl im Mittelalter. Ludwig Schmugge. Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift Communie, 25 (Mar.-Apr., 1996), 1 16-122. The Contribution of St. Benedict to European CiviUzation. Adrian Hastings...

