The Platonism of Plutarch

RM Jones - 1916 -
RM Jones
The investigation of the Platonism of Plutarch was suggested to me as the subject of a
doctor's dissertation by Professor Paul Shorey of the University of Chicago, in the course of
his seminar on the post-Aristotelian Philosophy, given in 1906-7, which I had the pleasure of
attending, and at all times during the progress of the work I have had the inestimable
advantage of his help and criticism. RocER MILLER JoNEs.
The investigation of the Platonism of Plutarch was suggested to me as the subject of a doctor's dissertation by Professor Paul Shorey of the University of Chicago, in the course of his seminar on the post-Aristotelian Philosophy, given in 1906-7, which I had the pleasure of attending, and at all times during the progress of the work I have had the inestimable advantage of his help and criticism. RocER MILLER JoNEs.