[BOOK][B] Cicero's Style: A Synopsis. Followed by Selected Analytic Studies

M Von Albrecht - 2017 - books.google.com
This comprehensive study of Cicero's style discusses differences of literary genres (Ch. 1),
nuances of style within individual works (Ch. 2), and chronological development (Ch. 3),
followed by an account of fixed elements typical of Cicero's diction (Ch. 4). Finally, selected
interpretative studies demonstrate the relationship of style and context in the orations, with
special regard to literary form and political or moral content (Ch. 5). The book concludes with
an Epilogue on the De oratore and the culture of speech. Contrary to inveterate prejudices …

[CITATION][C] Cicero's style: a synopsis: followed by selected analytic studies

M Albrecht - (No Title), 2003 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Cicero's style : a synopsis : followed by selected analytic studies | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
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