Can the subaltern speak?

GC Spivak - Imperialism, 2023 -
GC Spivak
The original title of this paper was “Power, Desire, Interest.” 1 Indeed, whatever power these
meditations command may have been earned by a politically interested refusal to push to
the limit the founding presuppositions of my desires, as far as they are within my grasp. This
vulgar three-stroke formula, applied both to the most resolutely committed and to the most
ironic discourse, keeps track of what Althusser so aptly named “philosophies of denegation.”
2 I have invoked my positionality in this awkward way so as to accentuate the fact that calling …
The original title of this paper was “Power, Desire, Interest.” 1 Indeed, whatever power these meditations command may have been earned by a politically interested refusal to push to the limit the founding presuppositions of my desires, as far as they are within my grasp. This vulgar three-stroke formula, applied both to the most resolutely committed and to the most ironic discourse, keeps track of what Althusser so aptly named “philosophies of denegation.” 2 I have invoked my positionality in this awkward way so as to accentuate the fact that calling the place of the investigator into question remains a meaningless piety in many recent critiques of the sovereign subject. Thus, although I will attempt to foreground the precariousness of my position throughout, I know such gestures can never suffice. This paper will move, by a necessarily circuitous route, from a critique of current Western efforts to problematize the subject to the question of how the third-world subject is represented within Western discourse. Along the way, I will have occasion to suggest that a still more radical decentering of the subject is, in fact, implicit in both Marx and Derrida. And I will have recourse, perhaps surprisingly, to an argument that Western intellectual production is, in many ways, complicit with Western international economic interests. In the end, I will offer an alternative analysis of the relations between the discourses of the West and the possibility of speaking of (or for) the subaltern woman. I will draw my specific examples from the case of India, discussing at length the extraordinarily paradoxical status of the British abolition of widow sacrifice.