[CITATION][C] The discovery of a norse settlement in America. Excavations at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, 1961–1968: Anne Stine Ingstad,(Oslo, Bergen and …

R McGhee - Journal of Historical Geography, 1979 - Academic Press


J Graham-Campbell - 1978 - JSTOR
BookReviews 219 roomed structures lying to its south. At the middle of the terrace, and
aligned north-east/south-west along it, lay a second major house (D), with a singleroomed
structure (E) beside it; D consists of three rooms, two in series with another along one side.
To the north-east, farthest from the brook, was situated a six-roomed house (F), with an
adjacent single-roomed structure (G) that may have been a bath-house; F had three rooms
in series, with two in line along the north-west side and another along the south-east. West …

The Discovery of a Norse Settlement in America: Excavations at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, 1961-1968

E Haugen - 1979 - JSTOR
contemporary problems of maintaining order in many Western societies have influenced
historians to re-examine various dimensions of policing and crime in the context of
nineteenth-century Europe and North America. Much of this research has borrowed heavily
from the methodology of the social sciences in an attempt to place historical information in
some overall theoretical perspective. Cops and Bobbies is a comparative study of police
behavior in New York and London which stresses evolutionary differences in organizational …

Anne Stine Ingstad," The Discovery of a Norse Settlement in America, Excavations at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, 1961-1968"(Book Review)

R McGhee - Journal of Historical Geography, 1979 - search.proquest.com
Scholars have long debated the existence of pre-Columbian Norse colonies in North
America. The descriptions of Vinland in the Icelandic sagas strongly suggest that such
colonies did exist, and dozens of localities from along the eastern seaboard have been
proposed as likely sites for Vinland. Although most such localities have been selected on the
basis of interpretations of sailing directions and geographical features described in the
sagas, many have been supported by archaeological finds claimed to relate to a Norse …

[CITATION][C] The Discovery of a Norse Settlement in America. Excavations at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland 1961-1968. Vol. 1

J Maringer - 1978 - JSTOR