[BOOK][B] The Secret Origins of Comics Studies

MJ Smith, R Duncan - 2017 - api.taylorfrancis.com
MJ Smith, R Duncan
The Secret Origins of Comics Studies Page 1 Page 2 The SecreT OriginS Of cOmicS STudieS
In The Secret Origins of Comics Studies, today’s leading comics scholars turn back a page to
reveal the founding figures dedicated to understanding comics art. Edited by comics scholars
Matthew J. Smith and Randy Duncan, this collection provides an in-depth study of the
individuals and institutions that have created and shaped the field of Comics Studies over the
past 75 years. From Coulton Waugh to Wolfgang Fuchs, these influential historians, educators …
Comics Studies is an academic field maturing into its own, but one previously bereft of any authoritative account of its own history. The Secret Origins of Comics Studies is an in-depth study of the individuals and institutions that have created and shaped the field of