What about the family?

J Hardwig - Hastings Center Report, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
J Hardwig
Hastings Center Report, 1990Wiley Online Library
What About the Family? Page 1 Hastings Center Report, March/Apnll990 w e are beginning to
recognize that the prevzent etkc of patient autonomy simply will not do. Since demands for
health care are virtually unlimited, giving autonomous patients the care they want will bankrupt
our health care system. We can no longer simply buy our way out of difficult questions of
justice by expanding the health care pie until there is enough to satisfy the wants and needs of
everyone. The requirements of justice and the needs of other patients must temper the claims …
The prevalent ethic of patient autonomy ignores family interests in medical treatment decisions. Acknowledging these interests as legitimate forces basic changes in ethical theory and the moral practice of medicine.
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