[CITATION][C] Essential health benefits: balancing coverage and cost

C Ulmer - (No Title), 2012 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Essential health benefits : balancing coverage and cost | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学
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[BOOK][B] Essential health benefits: balancing coverage and cost

SB Hamdounia, E McGlynn, J Ball, C Ulmer - 2012 - books.google.com
In 2010, an estimated 50 million people were uninsured in the United States. A portion of the
uninsured reflects unemployment rates; however, this rate is primarily a reflection of the fact
that when most health plans meet an individual's needs, most times, those health plans are
not affordable. Research shows that people without health insurance are more likely to
experience financial burdens associated with the utilization of health care services. But even
among the insured, underinsurance has emerged as a barrier to care. The Patient Protection …