[CITATION][C] Intermarriage in the US 50 years after Loving v. Virginia. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center

G Livingston, A Brown - 2017

[CITATION][C] Intermarriage in the US 50 Years After Loving v. Virginia. Pew Research Center's Social and Demographic Trends Project

G Livingston, A Brown - 2017

[CITATION][C] Intermarriage in the US 50 years after Loving v. Virginia (Pew Research Center Report)

G Livingston, A Brown - 2017

[CITATION][C] Intermarriage in the US 50 years after loving v. Virginia. Pew Research Center Social and Demographic Trends

G Livingston, A Brown - 2017

[CITATION][C] for the Pew Research Center. Intermarriage in the US 50 years after Loving v. Virginia

G Livingston, A Brown - 2022

[CITATION][C] Intermarriage in the US 50 years after Loving v. Virginia: Onein-six newlyweds are married to someone of a different race or ethnicity. Pew Research …

G Livingston, A Brown - 2017