[BOOK][B] The major works

W Wordsworth - 2000 - books.google.com
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) has long been one of the best-known and best-loved
English poets. The Lyrical Ballads, written with Coleridge, is a landmark in the history of
English romantic poetry. His celebration of nature and of the beauty and poetry in the
commonplace embody a unified and coherent vision that was profoundly innovative. This
volume presents the poems in their order of composition and in their earliest completed
state, enabling the reader to trace Wordsworth's poetic development and to share the …

[CITATION][C] The major works

PB Shelley, Z Leader, M O'Neill - (No Title), 2003 - cir.nii.ac.jp
The major works | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ
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English 検索 タイトル 人物/団体名 所属機関 ISSN DOI 期間 ~ 本文リンク 本文リンクあり データ
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研究データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト The major works Web Site CiNii 所蔵館 14館 Shelley …

[CITATION][C] The major works

GG Byron, MG Baron - (No Title), 2000 - cir.nii.ac.jp
The major works | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ
移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本をさがす 日本の博士論文をさがす
English 検索 タイトル 人物/団体名 所属機関 ISSN DOI 期間 ~ 本文リンク 本文リンクあり データ
ソース JaLC IRDB Crossref DataCite NDL NDL-Digital RUDA JDCat NINJAL CiNii Articles CiNii
Books CiNii Dissertations DBpedia Nikkei BP KAKEN Integbio 公共データカタログ すべて 研究
データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト The major works CiNii 所蔵館 5館 Byron, George Gordon …

[CITATION][C] The major works

ST Coleridge, HJ Jackson - (No Title), 2000 - cir.nii.ac.jp
The major works | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ
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English 検索 タイトル 人物/団体名 所属機関 ISSN DOI 期間 ~ 本文リンク 本文リンクあり データ
ソース JaLC IRDB Crossref DataCite NDL NDL-Digital RUDA JDCat NINJAL CiNii Articles CiNii
Books CiNii Dissertations DBpedia Nikkei BP KAKEN Integbio 公共データカタログ すべて 研究
データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト [4/18更新]CiNii ArticlesのCiNii Researchへの統合について …

[BOOK][B] The major works

F Bacon - 2002 - books.google.com
This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series
under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together an extensive collection of
Bacon's writing-the major prose in full, together with sixteen other pieces not otherwise
available-togive the essence of his work and thinking. Although he had a distinguished
career as a lawyer and statesman, Francis Bacon's lifelong goal was to improve and extend
human knowledge. In The Advancement of Learning (1605) he made a brilliant critique of …

[BOOK][B] The major works

A Pope - 2008 - books.google.com
This authoritative edition was first published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under
the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a unique combination of Pope's
poetry and prose-the major poems in their entirety, together with translations, criticism,
letters and other prose-to give the essence of his work and thinking. Pope has often been
termed the first truly professional poet in English, whose dealings with the book trade helped
to produce the literary market-place of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In this …

[BOOK][B] Anselm of Canterbury: The major works

B Davies, GR Evans - 1998 - books.google.com
For I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; but I believe so that I may understand.
For I believe this also, that unless I believe, I shall not understand.'Does God exist? Can we
know anything about God's nature? Have we any reason to think that the Christian religion is
true? What is truth, anyway? Do human beings have freedom of choice? Can they have
such freedom in a world created by God? These questions, and others, were ones which
Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033-1109) took very seriously. He was utterly convinced of the …

[CITATION][C] Sir Philip Sidney: the major works

P Sidney, K Duncan-Jones - (No Title), 2002 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Sir Philip Sidney : the major works | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ
[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本をさがす 日本の
博士論文をさがす English 検索 タイトル 人物/団体名 所属機関 ISSN DOI 期間 ~ 本文リンク 本文
リンクあり データソース JaLC IRDB Crossref DataCite NDL NDL-Digital RUDA JDCat NINJAL
CiNii Articles CiNii Books CiNii Dissertations DBpedia Nikkei BP KAKEN Integbio 公共データ
カタログ すべて 研究データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト Sir Philip Sidney : the major works Web …