[CITATION][C] Critical approaches to the Proverbios morales of Shem Tov de Carrión: an annotated bibliography

J Zemke - (No Title), 1997 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Critical approaches to the Proverbios morales of Shem Tov de Carrión : an annotated
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Critical approaches to the" Proverbios morales" of Shem Tov de Carrion.

JM Zemke - 1989 - elibrary.ru
The dissertation, which is conceived as a first step in a series of investigations of the 14th-
century Hispano-Jewish author, Rabbi Shem Tov bar Isaac ben Ardutiel, reviews all
available critical literature concerning his writings, particularly regarding his Castilian
wisdom poem, Proverbios morales (Moral Proverbs). The purpose is to make that body of
critical literature available to scholars and to describe different critical trends in the analysis
of the Proverbios morales undertaken since the 14th century. By consolidating and …