[BOOK][B] Rethinking assessment in higher education

D Boud, N Falchikov - 2007 - api.taylorfrancis.com
D Boud, N Falchikov
Assessment is a value-laden activity surrounded by debates about academic standards,
preparing students for employment, measuring quality and providing incentives. There is
substantial evidence that assessment, rather than teaching, has the major influence on
students' learning. It directs attention to what is important, acts as an incentive for study, and
has a powerful effect on students' approaches to their work.
Assessment is a value-laden activity surrounded by debates about academic standards, preparing students for employment, measuring quality and providing incentives. There is substantial evidence that assessment, rather than teaching, has the major influence on students’ learning. It directs attention to what is important, acts as an incentive for study, and has a powerful effect on students’ approaches to their work.