The Sogdian fragments of the British library

N Sims-Williams - Indo-Iranian Journal, 1976 - JSTOR
Indo-Iranian Journal, 1976JSTOR
1 Formerly the library of the British Museum. 2 See Stein's Serindia, $ vols., London, 1921 (=
Ser.). 3 See Stein's Innermost Asia, 4 vols., London, 1928 (=/. A.). 4'Une version sogdienne
du Vessantara Jätaka', JA, 1912, 163-93,430-510;(with L. de la Vallée Poussin)'Fragment
final de la Nilakanthadhärani en brâhmi et en transcrip tion sogdienne', JRAS, 1912, 629-45.
The Sogdian part of the text of the latter requires the following corrections: line 29"
ry'ßr'wkbysßr; line 34 Srzy'wr. 5'Reste einer soghdischen Übersetzung des Padmacintämani …
1 Formerly the library of the British Museum. 2 See Stein's Serindia, $ vols., London, 1921 (= Ser.). 3 See Stein's Innermost Asia, 4 vols., London, 1928 (=/. A.). 4'Une version sogdienne du Vessantara Jätaka', JA, 1912, 163-93,430-510;(with L. de la Vallée Poussin)'Fragment final de la Nilakanthadhärani en brâhmi et en transcrip tion sogdienne', JRAS, 1912, 629-45. The Sogdian part of the text of the latter requires the following corrections: line 29" ry'ßr'wkbysßr; line 34 Srzy'wr. 5'Reste einer soghdischen Übersetzung des Padmacintämani-dhärani-sütra', SPA W, 1926, 2-8.