[PDF][PDF] Quaestiones disputatae de veritate

T Aquinas, R Spiazzi, P Bazzi - 1970 - isidore.co
T Aquinas, R Spiazzi, P Bazzi
1. What is truth? 2. Is truth found principally in the intellect or in things? 3. Is truth only in the
intellect joining and separating? 4. Is there only one truth by which all things are true? 5. Is
some truth besides the First Truth eternal? 6. Is created truth immutable? 7. Is truth as
applied to God predicated personally or essentially? 8. Is every other truth from the First
Truth? 9. Is truth in sense?
1. What is truth? 2. Is truth found principally in the intellect or in things? 3. Is truth only in the intellect joining and separating? 4. Is there only one truth by which all things are true? 5. Is some truth besides the First Truth eternal? 6. Is created truth immutable? 7. Is truth as applied to God predicated personally or essentially? 8. Is every other truth from the First Truth? 9. Is truth in sense?