[BOOK][B] An essay upon nursing, and the management of children, from their birth to three years of age

W Cadogan - 1748 - books.google.com
W Cadogan
IT is with great Pleaſure I fee at laſt the Preſervation of Children become the Care of Men of
Senfe: It is certainly a Matter that well deferves their Attention, and, I doubt not, the Publick
will foon find the good and great Effects of it. The Foundling Hofpital may be of more Ufe to
the World, than was perhaps at firſt imagin'd by the Promoters of it; it will be a Means not only
of preventing the Murder of many, but of faving more, by introducing a more reaſonable and
more natural Method of Nurfing. In my Opinion, this Buſineſs has been too long fatally left to …
I T is with great Pleaſure I fee at laſt the Preſervation of Children become the Care of Men of Senfe: It is certainly a Matter that well deferves their Attention, and, I doubt not, the Publick will foon find the good and great Effects of it. The Foundling Hofpital may be of more Ufe to the World, than was perhaps at firſt imagin'd by the Promoters of it; it will be a Means not only of preventing the Murder of many, but of faving more, by introducing a more reaſonable and more natural Method of Nurfing. In my Opinion, this Buſineſs has been too long fatally left to the Management of Women, who cannot be fuppoſed to have proper Knowledge to fit them for fuch a Tafk, notwithſtanding they look upon it to be their own Province. What I mean, is a Philofophic Knowledge of Nature, to be acquir'd only by learned Obfervation and Experience, and which therefore the Unlearned muſt be incapable of. They may prefume upon the Examples and tranfmitted Cuftoms of their Great Grand-mothers, who were taught by the Phyſicians of their unenlighten'd Days; when Phyſicians, as appears by late Diſcoveries, were miſtaken in many things; being led away by A 2 hypo-