[BOOK][B] The logic of Hegel

GWF Hegel - 1874 - books.google.com
GWF Hegel
THE'Logic of Hegel'is a name which may be given to two separate books. One of these is
the'Science of Logic'(Wissenschaft der Logik), first published in three volumes (1812-1816),
while its author was schoolmaster at Nüremberg. A second edition was on its way, when
Hegel was suddenly cut off, after In the Secret of revising the first volume only. Hegel,'the
earlier part of this Logic has been translated by Dr. Hutchison Stirling, with whose name
THE'Logic of Hegel'is a name which may be given to two separate books. One of these is the'Science of Logic'(Wissenschaft der Logik), first published in three volumes (1812-1816), while its author was schoolmaster at Nüremberg. A second edition was on its way, when Hegel was suddenly cut off, after In the Secret of revising the first volume only. Hegel,'the earlier part of this Logic has been translated by Dr. Hutchison Stirling, with whose name