[BOOK][B] The four million

O Henry - 1913 - books.google.com
O Henry
BY THE CARPENTER THEY will tell you in Anchuria, that President Miraflores, of that
volatile republic, died by his own hand in the coast town of Coralio; that he had reached thus
far in flight from the inconveniences of an imminent revolution; and that one hundred
thousand dollars, government funds, which he carried with him in an American leather valise
as a souvenir of his tempestuous administration, was never afterward recovered. For a real,
a boy will show you his grave. It is back of the town near a little bridge that spans a …
BY THE CARPENTER THEY will tell you in Anchuria, that President Miraflores, of that volatile republic, died by his own hand in the coast town of Coralio; that he had reached thus far in flight from the inconveniences of an imminent revolution; and that one hundred thousand dollars, government funds, which he carried with him in an American leather valise as a souvenir of his tempestuous administration, was never afterward recovered.
For a real, a boy will show you his grave. It is back of the town near a little bridge that spans a mangrove swamp. A plain slab of wood stands at its head. Some one has burned upon the headstone with a hot iron this inscription: