[BOOK][B] Controversies in the Addiction's Field

RC Engs - 1990 - core.ac.uk
ABSTRACT In the United States today, conflicting philosophies are found concerning the
use of alcohol and recreational drugs, alcohol and drug education, the treatment of
alcoholism and drug dependency, and public policies concerning these issues. As editor of
a publication to air both sides of these controversies, I found hostility to the idea of
publishing a book presenting different opinions. In several cases a potential author
considered their point of view as the ONLY correct educational or treatment philosophy …

CONTROVERSIES IN THE ADDICTION FIELD: Ugly American Politics of Alcohol and Drugs Use, Education, Treatment, and Public Policies

RC Engs - 1990 - scholarworks.iu.edu
In the United States, conflicting philosophies are found concerning the use of alcohol and
recreational drugs, alcohol and drug education, the treatment of alcoholism and drug
dependency, and public policies concerning these issues. As editor of a publication to air
both sides of these controversies, I found hostility to the idea of publishing a book presenting
different opinions. In several cases a potential author considered their point of view as the
ONLY correct educational or treatment philosophy. They suggested that opposing …