[CITATION][C] The statistical structure of the Proto-Austronesian morph

CD Chrétien - Lingua, 1965 - Elsevier
volsrmz of his~'~~~ kiih& iauriehre: j About the time that I finrshed complling such an mder.
Uhlenbeck pubhshed his very comprehensrve monograph in Dutch on the structure of the
Javal, ese morph, 2) and shortly afterwards a summary in Enghsh on the same subject 3,
Uhlenbeck's work suggested to me that I might do something slmllar since It would not be a
burdensome tad; k. to use my rndlces to make various counts of phonemes from which I
might derive Interesting and perhaps slgmficant InformatIon about the phoncmlc structure rf …