[BOOK][B] Inside/outside: Teacher research and knowledge

M Cochran-Smith, SL Lytle - 1993 - books.google.com
M Cochran-Smith, SL Lytle
Provides a thoughtful conceptual frame-work for reading and understanding teacher
research, exploring its history, potential, and relationship to university-based research. In the
second half, the voices of teacher researchers contrast, engage, and combine as
contributors explore the meaning and significance of their approaches and findings. These
authors enter into the" national conversation about school reform, teacher professionalism,
multicultural curriculum and pedagogy, and language and literacy education."
Provides a thoughtful conceptual frame-work for reading and understanding teacher research, exploring its history, potential, and relationship to university-based research. In the second half, the voices of teacher researchers contrast, engage, and combine as contributors explore the meaning and significance of their approaches and findings. These authors enter into the" national conversation about school reform, teacher professionalism, multicultural curriculum and pedagogy, and language and literacy education."