PA Miller, Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness: The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augustan Rome. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. Pp. x+ 236 …

DP Nelis - The Journal of Roman Studies, 1995 -
Lyric is the hardest of all genres to define. Already the Alexandrian editors of the Greek lyric
corpus experienced enormous difficulties in trying to classify the vast amount of material
available to them. What can modern scholars hope to do with the fragments which have
survived (see AE Harvey,'The classification of Greek lyric poetry', CQ 5 (1955), 157-75 with
the comments of L. Kappel, Paian (1992), 2-31)? As for Latin lyric, its history has yet to be
written. PA Miller has set himself a most important but extremely difficult task, therefore, in …

[CITATION][C] Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness: The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augustan Rome

K Gutzwiller - 1996 - JSTOR

[CITATION][C] Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness: The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augustan Rome

M Janan - 1996 - JSTOR

True Lyric-PA Miller: Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness. The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augustan Rome. Pp. x+ 236. London, New York: Routledge …

S Instone - The Classical Review, 1995 -
True Lyric PA Miller: Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness. The Birth of a Genre from Archaic
Greece to Augustan Rome. Pp. x+ Page 1 THE CLASSICAL REVIEW 267 material and little
that might be jettisoned without loss. As is inevitable when reviewing a commentary, one
must concentrate on disagreements. My comments are restricted mostly to occasions where
B. might usefully have included material and to the first two centuries of the Roman empire.
P. 56: the work of H. Hanlein-Schafer (Veneratio Augusti: eine Studie zu den Tempeln des …

[CITATION][C] Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness: The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augustan Rome by Paul Allen Miller; Greek Lyric Poetry: The Poems …

K Gutzwiller - 1996 -
Kathryn Gutzwiller, Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness: The Birth of a Genre from Archaic
Greece to Augustan Rome by Paul Allen Miller; Greek Lyric Poetry: The Poems and Fragments
of the Greek Lambic, Elegiac and Melic Poets down to 450 BC by ML West - PhilPapers Sign
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All Categories Metaphysics and Epistemology Metaphysics and Epistemology Epistemology …

Paul Allen Miller, Lyric Texts & Lyric Consciousness. The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augustan Rome (Book Review)

G Lieberg - Klio, 1996 -
KLIO 78 (1996) 1 KLIIO| 78 1996 1| 235239 GODO LIEBF. RG (Arezzo) Paul Allen MIiller,
Lyric Texts & Lyric Consciousness. The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augu-stan
Rome, London-New York (Routledge) 1994, X, 236 S. Im 1. Kapitel (1-8) geht NI (iller)
davon aus, daB Lyrik im modernen Sinne, also als Offenbarung pers6jnli-cher Gefuhle, nur
in ciner Schriftkultur denkbar sei, da nur die lyrische Gedichtsammlung die\Widerspiege-
lung einer komplexen und einzigartigen Subjektivitat innerhalb eines durch die Schrift …