Racism and social change in the Republic of Ireland

B Fanning - Racism and social change in the Republic of …, 2018 - manchesterhive.com
Irish society has changed much in the last decade. New immigrant communities of black and
ethnic minorities are visible in Dublin and some other parts of the country. For the most part,
the increased focus on racism within media, political and academic discourses has
concerned the arrival of asylum seekers in discernible and rapidly increasing numbers.
Media and political debates on racism in Ireland during this period have tended to depict it
as a new phenomenon and even as one imported by asylum seekers. The title of this book,

[CITATION][C] Immigration and social change in the Republic of Ireland

B Fanning - (No Title), 2007 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Immigration and social change in the Republic of Ireland | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学
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