[BOOK][B] Latin American religion in motion

C Smith, J Prokopy - 2004 - api.taylorfrancis.com
C Smith, J Prokopy
Latin America is undergoing a period of intense religious transformation and upheaval. This
book analyzes some of the more important new discoveries about religious movements in
the region. It examines important shifts such as the expansion and politicization of
Protestantism, the ongoing transformation of the Catholic church, the growth of Afro-Brazilian
religions, and the genuine pluralization of faith.
Latin America is undergoing a period of intense religious transformation and upheaval. This book analyzes some of the more important new discoveries about religious movements in the region. It examines important shifts such as the expansion and politicization of Protestantism, the ongoing transformation of the Catholic church, the growth of Afro-Brazilian religions, and the genuine pluralization of faith.