[BOOK][B] Disease in Milk: The Remedy, Pasteurization; the Life Work of Nathan Straus

N Straus, LG Straus - 1917 - books.google.com
(To First Edition) The presentation to the public of this book has a definite purpose, and is
animated by a single hope. In calling the attention of others to the life work of my husband I
trust that beneficent spirits may be stimulated to go and do likewise and achieve greater
things for humanity. My husband's philanthropic service for the last three decades can in all
literalness be said to have been dedicated to the one thought of saving human life. From the
time when Mr. Straus made his first gift in the fight against tuberculosis, by presenting a …

[BOOK][B] Disease in milk: the remedy pasteurization

N Straus, LG Straus - 1913 - books.google.com
WOW'S milk has always been recognized as a desirable food for adults and an essential
one for infants. It is a desirable food for adults because it contains in the highest degree of
any food known a perfect balance of proteid, carbohydrates and fat. In addition, it is easily
digestible. It is an essential food for infants because sooner or later-sooner with the poor,
later with the rich-there comes a time when the mother cannot supply the right quality or
quantity of milk for her baby. The ideal way of bringing up a baby until this time is always …