[BOOK][B] Philosophical investigations

L Wittgenstein - 2019 - rnbee.com.ua
THE thoughts which I publish in what follows are the precipitate of philosophical
investigations which have occupied me for the last sixteen years. They concern many
subjects: the concepts of meaning, of understanding, of a proposition, of logic, the
foundations of mathematics, states of consciousness, and other things. I have written down
all these thoughts as remarks, short paragraphs, of which there is sometimes a fairly long
chain about the same subject, while I sometimes make a sudden change, jumping from one …

[BOOK][B] Last Writings, Volume I: Preliminary Studies for Part II of Philosophical Investigations

L Wittgenstein - 1982 - books.google.com
This bilingual volume—English and German on facing pages—brings together the writings
Wittgenstein composed during his stay in Dublin between October 1948 and March 1949,
one of his most fruitful periods. He later drew more than half of his remarks for Part II of
Philosophical Investigations from this Dublin manuscript. A direct continuation of the writing
that makes up the two volumes of Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, this collection
offers scholars a glimpse of Wittgenstein's preliminary thinking on one of his most important …

[CITATION][C] Philosophical Investigations, (Trans. Hacker and Schulte)

L Wittgenstein - 2009 - philpapers.org
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, 4th edition (trans. Hacker and Schulte) -
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