- Digital Price: $25.00 USD (All sales final)
- Oceanic Linguistics
- University of Hawai'i Press
- issue
- Volume 42, Number 2, December 2003
- Index of Languages in Volume 42
- Issues in Austronesian Morphology: A Focusschrift for Byron W. Bender (review)
- Nominalization in Formosan Languages (review)
- Growing Up with Tok Pisin: Contact, Creolization, and Change in Papua New Guinea's National Language (review)
- Pazih Dictionary (review)
- A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language (review)
- Saviors of Languages: Who Will Be the Real Messiah?
- In Memoriam: Donald M. Topping, 1929-2003
- Rejoinder to Malcolm Ross's Squib
- Typology and Language Families: A Comment on Klamer's "Typical Features of Austronesian Languages in Central/Eastern Indonesia"
- A Note on Reduplication in Bugotu and Cheke Holo
- Agreement in the Skou Language: A Historical Account
- Three Notes on Early Austronesian Morphology
- Of Men, Hills, and Winds: Space Directionals in Mwotlap
- Low Vowel Dissimilation in Vanuatu Languages
- Proto-Micronesian Recontructions--2
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